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 "How can we believe in miracles in this modern age of science?" (3)

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rihaana(85) pic

"How can we believe in miracles in this modern age of science?"

If people were really honest, they too would admit in the supernatural. If they accept that God is up there, then why should they have a problem believing that He works down here?

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2 points

ICP has an eloquent way of showing us how it's everywhere.

Insane Clown Posse - Miracles
2 points

Just as we can believe in supernatural creators of the world. The ideal of critical scientific thinking is not one that is often extended to religious beliefs by everyone, and despite living with the benefits of science, they continue to deny its application to anything where they do not like its results. Obviously this is not everyone, I know a few very intelligent theists, I'm simply stereotyping many people in order to answer the question effectively.

They don't have a problem...............................................