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 How valuable are your ideas? (6)

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hhioh(450) pic

How valuable are your ideas?

Many people say their ideas define them, but how valuable are they really? Would you renounce a held belief in return for a billion dollars? Or to save a life?

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1 point

My ideas are worth nothing to anybody but my self. However, what may ultimately prove to be of worth is that which I accomplish with my ideas. Let us say, for instance, that my "ideas" form the basis for a bestselling novel; is the idea itself worth a million dollars, or what I do with the idea?

My ideas are my thoughts, and I myself am the sum of my thoughts. I could renounce belief in an idea of mine for a billion dollars, but saying that I've renounced a belief does not mean that the idea is any less potent in my mind.

You'll have to pay me to find out ;-)

1 point

My ideas are my own. And I don't care if anyone else ever knows them or believes them. So yes, I would take monetary compensation to say I believe in something else. Saying something does not make it true.

1 point

I think ideas are one of the most important things man has as it separates us from animals. I would like to believe that I would not give up my idea in return for something because, at the end of the day, you are selling yourself out. Also, as famously said in V for Vendetta: 'ideas are bulletproof', though money is.

Side: Very

You will have to pay me for them... hahaha.... So valuable that i can't tell you.

Side: Very

Well, for a billion dollars, I can renounce some of those values.

Side: Very