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Debate Score:47
Total Votes:53
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 I Hate It When... (14)

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tonicole(854) pic

I Hate It When...

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7 points

I hate it when you honestly can't say what you reall feel. it'll be right there in your face and in front of the face of the other person, but they'll be too blind and you'll be too hurt.

Side: prisoner of words unsaid
3 points

I do understand your dilemma but think of it this way. When you want to lash out and say...My God, don't you see this or hear what I'm telling sets up an adversarial situation. When that happens, all communication ceases and one is left with the reactive measure of trying to defend themselves and their thoughts, positions or feelings.

All the words that are left unsaid can be exchanged for other words that won't hurt you or the other person. You can always say what you really feel by choosing the right words and presenting them with a calm manner and demeanor. Trust me, it works very well ;-).

Side: prisoner of words unsaid
6 points

I hate it when people try to lecture me on a subject that I am obviously more versed in.

Side: i'm always right

LMAO@xaeon! Couple that with them misquoting you and you've got my zinger in one sentence.

Side: i'm always right

I hate it when people attack a person with hurtful words such as liar, idiot, dumb or any manner of insult when one is debating an issue and then have the absolute audacity to tell everyone what YOU really think or feel. Outrageous!

Side: Anger Management is a viable option
4 points

i hate it when certain people act blind and stupid. they can kiss my ass.

Side: Anger Management is a viable option
3 points

...people drive like unsafe morons!

Side: Anger Management is a viable option
3 points

I am forced to do something I don't want to do.

Side: Freedom is crushed
2 points

I hate it when stupid people but into a discussion (usually political) that you're having and totally fuck up the debate.

Side: Stupid People
5 points

omg AMEN ! D:<

Side: Stupid People
1 point

Poeple assume that you annoy them for no reason. I jsut try to tlak to them but they take it the wrong way like I am stalking them.

Side: people think I annoy them
1 point

i hate it when i pee i miss the bowl

Side: people think I annoy them

Yeah....I hate it when I do that too and I'm a woman! Such a dilemma and so embarrassing when my dog looks at me and says...."And why can't I pee in the living room if you can pee on the floor?" What can one say to that?

Side: people think I annoy them
1 point

i hate it when people make noises when they chew their food. it's disgusting ! like what the frick are they having an orgasm with every bite ?!?!?! D:<

Side: people think I annoy them