
Debate Info

Debate Score:20
Total Votes:20
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 I am taking a hiatus from here for awhile. (15)

Debate Creator

Merlin13(1258) pic

I am taking a hiatus from here for awhile.

And no, it's not to get attention. I just won't be posting or commenting for awhile. If anyone wishes to contact me, just send a message and it will notify my email. I hope to see everyone soon!

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1 point

Dear Merlin,

Please don't make it too long! Thanks for all of your input.

Best Regards,


1 point

Alright, I'm back. I've had too many interesting debates sent my way to stay gone.

1 point

don't go who is going to correct or answer my post LOL, be sure to come back soon.

1 point

Alright, I'm back. I've had too many interesting debates sent my way to stay gone.

1 point

Welcome back then, it's always good to see you around .

1 point

Don't stay gone too long buddy !

2 points

Alright, I'm back. I've had too many interesting debates sent my way to stay gone.

2 points

Cool! I'm glad you're back... we need all the users we can get (especially ones that don't like Obama, hehe)

1 point

I just noticed this debate, sorry I didn't say something sooner! It looks like you are back so welcome back and thank you for returning - you're awesome! :p

1 point

Thanks !