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 I apoligize to everyone by animedude639 (14)

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animedude639(1574) pic

I apoligize to everyone by animedude639

Im very sorry I was just really angry at this one guy I never meant to hurt anyone im sorryFrown!

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3 points

You better be sorry, I'm seriously pissed off about all this, I think maybe in time I can forgive, but I'd need a financial bribe or something.

Im saying sorry for calling athiests stuck up jerks............................

What do you mean, what happened?

2 points

I was wondering the exact same thing

Did we miss something?

2 points

I have no idea what you're talking about ...

2 points


My brain can't take much more of this D:

2 points

Okie dokie !

2 points

I have no clue why you're apologizing, but I accept it anyway.

2 points

Absolutely inexcusable (whatever it is that you did)! I will not accept your apology for.............that thing you did! I am very fake angry about this!

2 points

What did you do? You can't apologize until you tell us what you did. Plus I am sure it wasn't to me so I'm good

1 point

He said and I qoute " Stupid Sonic the Idiot Hog " Actually I copied and pasted this. That's why he apologized, I accepted his apolozation. ( if I spelled it right )

1 point

Thanks for the apology. :( But why do you have to apologize to me, is it because you called Sonic an idiot?

Idk probrably cause I argued with u or something any ways thanks!!

1 point

Since most of them here have no idea what happened... I assume you did very little harm. So you can probably relax....!