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FromWithin(8241) pic

I'm waiting for one Progressive to admit he supports killing special needs viable babies.

I have many times brought up the inhumanity of late term abortions of viable unborn babies. Doctors have testified in Congress that the majority of Partial birth abortions (when they were legal) were performed on special needs babies.

The majority of late term abortions are done on special needs Down syndrome (special olympic) babies.

We all see the Left piously patting themselves on the back for supposedly caring for these children, while behind closed doors making sure all abortions are allowed to continue up to birth for any reason. They parade Down syndrome children around track fields during special olympics.

When we hear the Hillary's and Democrats of the nation speaking to so called health of mothers with late term abortions, it is code word for keepig it legal to kill unborn viable babies who are not quote as "normal" as those who would take their lives.

You will never hear a pro abortion supporter of late term abortions speak to the right to kill special needs babies.

THEY ARE PHONEY HYPOCRITES WHO CAN NEVER DEFEND WHAT THEY SUPPORT, so they use code words to try and hide their inhumanity.

I have addressed this issue many times to Liberals, Progressives, Democrats who supprt the inhumanity with their vote, yet they refuse to respond back to me. What does that say? It says they understand completely the inhumanity of what they support but lack the integrity and honesty to admit it.

When people must hide what they support, what does that say about it. Do any of you have the honesty and character to admit you support kiling special needs unborn babies for any reason?

Silence, Crickets as always. This is the sefish inhumanity that consumes a nation when fixated on separating any mention or symbols of God from our public square. When a nation censors God from public, the conscience of a nation dies.
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