
Debate Info

America Other
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 America (4)
 Other (1)

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luna(7) pic

If India had bows and arrows, America had guns, and Africa had poisonous darts..

We are fighting a war with Africa and India....and we all have different weapons.Undecided


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 2
2 points

In a conventional war we would win because India is a third world country and most countries in Africa are third world.

Side: America
1 point

I think america would win bcuz they have guns and the army has pretty advanced guns.Indians would run out of arrows.Africa has pretty good odds though they have a whole bunch of people with darts that can kill you instantly.

Side: America
1 point

Unless we are talking about some form of antiquated guns (muskets for example), it hardly seems like a fair question. Assault Rifles versus bow&arrows;It would be a bloodbath.

Side: America
1 point

i think either india r africa will win coz arrows can be made easily if tey hav a shortage of that;poisonous darts are mostly obtained frm the woods .................but 4 guns u need bullets which take time to manufacture instantly.

Side: Other
trumpeter93(998) Disputed
1 point

We are an indutrialized country. We can make bullets easily and cheaply.

Side: America