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 If a German knew Hitler was gassing Jews, and then voted to keep Hitler in power..... (2)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

If a German knew Hitler was gassing Jews, and then voted to keep Hitler in power.....

Would a German, after knowing how Hitler was gassing Jews, be responsible for Jews dying if he voted to keep Hitler in power?

Would you excuse this German when he said he was not a one issue voter?

If that same German said he would not personally kill a Jewish person, but would vote for Hitler who will keep the holocaust going, would you excuse that person of any accountability for the millions of Jews gassed?

Look in the mirror you people who vote for this No Restriction Abortion Democrat Party. You can deny your culpability in these viable baby's deaths till you are blue in the face.... intelligent people know your inhumanity when you vote for the very people keeping it legal.

To deny your culpability in this inhumanity, is to make debating you a total waste of time.
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1 point

I realize that Progressives believe in a no fault ideology, so therefore if you are supporting the rights of killers to continue their killing ways, you are not an accomplice?

Is this just one more example of fake news, fake reality, fake accountability, fake compassion, fake humanity?


1 point

Would a German, after knowing how Hitler was gassing Jews, be responsible for Jews dying if he voted to keep Hitler in power?

An individual vote has a negligible impact, but I suppose that under these circumstances you could say they bear 1/180,000,00th of a responsibility. Of course, there are plenty of ethical theorists who want to say we have some sort of moral culpability for voting even though the act of an individual voting essentially has no effect on anything. If we accept that then the voter in question would be responsible, but I've not seen a compelling argument to that effect.

Would you excuse this German when he said he was not a one issue voter?

Excuse them from what, exactly? If it's the aforementioned 'responsibility' then it's either impossible because it doesn't exist or insignificant whether I do.

If that same German said he would not personally kill a Jewish person, but would vote for Hitler who will keep the holocaust going, would you excuse that person of any accountability for the millions of Jews gassed?

Addressed above, I believe. Their inaction in the face of events would be more blameworthy than their vote could possibly be in my view.

Look in the mirror you people who vote for this No Restriction Abortion Democrat Party. You can deny your culpability in these viable baby's deaths till you are blue in the face.... intelligent people know your inhumanity when you vote for the very people keeping it legal.

Not denying anything. I'm fine with abortion, at any stage. Not that I vote anyways.

To deny your culpability in this inhumanity, is to make debating you a total waste of time.

You think debating is a total waste of time, period. It hardly matters what the other person is saying.