
Debate Info

Guns The Press
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Guns (1)
 The Press (1)

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excon(18262) pic

If authoritarians take over, what will be the FIRST thing they get rid of?


Side Score: 1

The Press

Side Score: 1
1 point

I feel that they would try to eliminate all and any means of dissent or effective resistance to their power and mastery over the population.

As there are so many guns in circulation these firearms would represent a real and serious danger to their domination of the people.

Side: Guns
1 point

On the other side of the coin we must be mindful of the wisdom in the old adage;- The pen/print is mightier than the sword.

It's also easier to write with,ha.

People can be easily incited into protest by clever wordsmiths whose provocative rabble rousing could produce orchestrated violence across the country.

If I was the dictator of an authoritarian regime I would try to eliminate all civilian firearms and take control of all media forms including broadcasting, press publications, social media activity and anti-government public speeches.

Side: The Press