
Debate Info

It's only a penis You're all gonna die
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:15
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 It's only a penis (2)
 You're all gonna die (2)

Debate Creator

EliotTerabon(175) pic

If it was necessary to save your country, would you have sex with Michelle Obama?

I would rather gouge out my eyes with a pencil then jump into a fully loaded septic tank, what say you?

It's only a penis

Side Score: 6

You're all gonna die

Side Score: 5
2 points

Do I want to? No. However, I'm saved from making such a decision as I'm not a black guy so her racist thinking would come to the fore and she would refuse to have sex with me. So, in the end; again, the destruction of the United States would be the fault of an Obama. I win.

Side: It's only a penis
2 points

I like the idea of Obama remembering me as the guy who fucked his wife.

Side: It's only a penis
2 points

Oh crap dude! Bwhahaha! This is a tough one, that's for sure... But I'd probably have to go with No!

Side: You're all gonna die
2 points

All things must come to pass, The United States while it lasted was the greatest Country in History , but then Koda will not be having no " Bumping of The Uglies" with Michelle !

Side: You're all gonna die