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 If no man has seen God at any time, how can Jesus be God? (11)

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Sitara(11080) pic

If no man has seen God at any time, how can Jesus be God?

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4 points

Who wouldn't trust random bronze age homeless guy claiming that he is the god? :D :D

Isn't it self evident, that he is a god? He said so... didn't he? :D

Centifolia(1319) Disputed
1 point

You do realize that when Jesus said that he is the son of god, people drove him away, right? In fact, when tested by the Pharisees, he admitted it himself that he cannot prove his own divinity and left the judgement to the crowds.

Do you want me to provide you a link for the verses?

Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

Link to what ?

2 points

The Trinity explains this.

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

LOl, thanks. I thought I heard that term before.

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

Prove it. You cannot just make a claim and expect me to believe it.

lolzors93(3225) Clarified
1 point

Read John 1

Isn't he part of the Trinity God and it's something like his true face hasn't been revealed? I don't know, I think i heard those terms associated with him at one point.

1 point

It's a good question. It seems to assume that there is a Jesus/God, but I will still answer. The story of Jesus is not at all original. I'm sure you've heard of Horus, Dionysus, Krishna, and several other mythological figures who predate Jesus. The whole December 25 thing, the resurrection, the virgin birth... These originate from earlier sources and are a result of syncretism.

So to answer the question, Jesus is God the same way many other deities and claimed messiahs are. If he existed, Jesus was a man who preached peace, not God or part of any Trinity.

It is up to the believer. If someone believes by his Faith that Jesus is the Son of God, then his Faith cannot be shaken.

1 point

Yahashua was the God manifested in flesh.

The Holy Spirit / God - can not be seen with the human eye

we cannot see a spirit with our eyes -

Some people claim they have seen ghosts and spirits but if this were even true - what they are seeing is not spirit, they are seeing reflections and shadows of a spirit or ghost interacting with lights and shadows.

A spirit is completely invisible - Gods spirit = the spirit of the father or the Holy Spirit has never been seen.

Yahashua was a man who was completely filled with God's holy spirit - the spirit of the father - when we are looking at Yahashua we are not seeing his invisible holy spirit - which is the spirit of God, who conceived him.

We see the man, Yahashua - and we see God in the flesh - / MORPHED / MANIFESTED into flesh.

God's spirit - is the source of the character, identity and personality, and purpose of the man Yahashua - and very same soul and spirit of Yahashua himself.

Trinitarians deny this - they believe that Yahashua is a seperated individual who is Co - Eternal, Co - Equal, Co - Omnipresent and who always exited as God in a trinity threesome Godhead,

This is not what the Bible says. Yahashua is not a representation of his own pre - existance -

He did not send himself

He did not come of himself

He can OUT of the God.

He is a MORPH / MANIFESTATION of the spirit of God - Morphed and manifested in flesh.