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Debate Score:13
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ProLogos(2794) pic

If someone is mentally disordered, then should that be publicly identified?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 8

Yes, certain mental illnesses, such as paedophilia, clinical depression and any psychological disorder which may represent a danger to the public. For instance those applying for jobs which involve being in charge of a public service vehicle or any position which involves contact with children should have their mental disease placed openly in the public domain.

Side: Yes
1 point

Dope heads should have to wear signs warning people that their brains are warped and they can be unpredictable

Side: Yes
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

Banned for slander and libel.

Side: No
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

This is not exactly true, you can actually predict someone who is mentally disordered better than someone who you identify as 'normal' since no one is really normal and 'normal' people do unexpected things at random.

People with disorders, on the other hand, tend to behave in a specific set of patterns that make them easier to predict.

Side: No
1 point

This is exactly what the Progressive Gun Grabbers want ! Are you surprised by that fact ?

If you are you should do you some research !

Side: Yes
3 points

If the disorder does not pose danger to its surroundings and others, which rarely it is. Then it would be unnecessary hence it would create a sense of stigmatization and also violate the individual's right under the sense of equality.

Side: No
2 points

What would be the context of "publicly identified"? And according to what definition? One's person's mentally ill can be another person's voice of reason.

Side: No
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

That defeats the meaning of "reason".

Side: Yes
Mariel33(456) Clarified
1 point

Why does it defeat the meaning of reason? What is your argument that someone being mentally ill can never mean someone who is highly intelligent?

And what about causality - if people do mentally suffer, shouldn't the reasons why they suffer be publicly identified too?

Side: Yes
1 point

Probably not. It adds an unnecessary stigma, and that's the last thing those people need.

Side: No
Delta(1348) Disputed
1 point

"those people" .

Side: Yes