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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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atypican(4873) pic

If you believe that gods exist...

.....but you don't worship any of them, are you an atheist?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 6
2 points

By definition I think you may be right, shouldn't it be adeist if you don't believe in any God, and a-theist if you don't follow any religion.

Side: Yes
1 point

Is it then that you think there is no such thing as an atheistic religion?

Side: Yes
ricedaragh(2482) Clarified
1 point

I suppose Buddhism comes closest.

Side: Yes
1 point

Ons da sunday when I is ams parts of da Atheist Religions, nope. Ons da days dat aren't the sundays, when I ams part of da Wiccan Religions, yes I believes in da Wiccan gods.

Side: Yes
1 point

If you believe that there is god but you don't worship him, that means you are not a beggar. because worshipping is nothing but begging. give me this, give me that, give happiness, etc. And also you believe there is god. I think you should read a bit buddhism and osho! you can replace this god with many words - existence, godliness, meditation, etc. God is a fiction and these all are truths.... If this is about you, I liked your view....!!!

Side: Yes
2 points

By definition I think you may be right, shouldn't it be adeist if you don't believe in any God, and a-theist if you don't follow any religion.

ricedaragh brings up a good point about the origin of the word 'atheist', but I think most people today consider an atheist to be someone who doesn't believe in the existence of gods.

Side: No

ricedaragh brings up a good point about the origin of the word 'atheist', but I think most people today consider an atheist to be someone who doesn't believe in the existence of gods.

I agree with this, but I wonder with the development of atheism as a modern belief system, does there need to be more grades or classifications.

Side: No
1 point

Probably. The problem is that 'atheism' is defined by something it's not, and not by what it is. It's like having a name for something that's not a porpoise. That doesn't really tell you what it is. For example, I could call myself an evolutionist, because I believe in the theory of evolution, or even more accurately, as a "sciencist", someone who thinks that the scientific method is a good way to try to find the truth (as opposed to a "scientist", which is someone who actually uses the scientific method to find the truth).

Side: No

It is all in the mind of the beholder. If someone chooses to believe in one God, he or she is confident in that decision.

Side: No