
Debate Info

To be blind To be deaf
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:14
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 To be blind (1)
 To be deaf (6)

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giverupper(247) pic

If you had to pick .. what would you prefer?

If I came to you and said, that you would live the rest of your life being either blind or deaf - what would you pick?

To be blind

Side Score: 3

To be deaf

Side Score: 10
3 points

I would choose to be blind because I could still hear music and I could still speak to my family

Side: To be blind
jonathangoh(1726) Clarified
1 point

I could still speak to my family

If you were deaf you still could speak to your family

Side: To be blind

I'd choose to be deaf over blind.

Vision has far more advantages than hearing. With vision you can see beautiful landscapes, see where you're going, etc. I would personally prefer a quiet world over a pitch black world.

Side: To be deaf
2 points

Deaf, obviously. Music is nice, but I can always just think about it in my head.

Once blind, no more driving, internet, walking normally, or looking at people.

Being deaf would suck, but it has far fewer real consequences. I could still be able to get a job and learn to read lips, or just stick to the internet.

Side: To be deaf
2 points

I am half blind already and I hate it. I'd much rather be deaf... Beethoven thought of music in his head and you know what, I can too!

Side: To be deaf

I can't hear naked pictures of women on the internet ;)

Side: To be deaf
1 point

I would much rather be deaf! After all, 80% of communication is though body language. At least I could attempt to make out what they said! And I could also see where I was going!

Side: To be deaf

I want my eyes to see all the beauty in the world and to enjoy a fireworks display.

Side: To be deaf