
Debate Info

yeah nah
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 yeah (11)
 nah (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

If you photograph road kill, is it still life art?

Does still life art have to be fruits and vegetables?  Road kill doesn't move (except when it gets run over again) so it can be considered still.  You may object to the life partl because it is dead, but so are fruits and vegetables.  Maybe you object to the photograph part.  But trying to paint road kill can make you part of the subject matter.  Maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle of the road (sort of speak, no pun intended) and call it, "red neck still life art."


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 2

OK, it's one in the morning, I'm sick and have all kinds of fluids dripping out of me but I know how much you guys like my debates, so... ;)

Side: Yeah
1 point

w/e.................................................this situation doesnt sound like still life. Fuck joe.......sniffle some salty water and be done with it............................................................"I'm sick and have all kinds of fluids dripping out of me" oah gad you sound near dead , not sick , go lay on a busy road and hope for the best. I will grab my paintbrush.....................:) hey btw when i do this ....................................:( does that look like a bird shittin on my head / in my eye ?............:)

Side: Yeah

That reminds me of a poem...

Little birdie in the sky

Why you do that in my eye

Gee I'm glad elephants can't fly ;)

Side: Yeah

I think it is definetly still life. I mean, isnt the point of still life to catch the subject when it isnt moving? Like joecalvary said, just wait until the cars are all gone and paint away.

Side: Yeah

Actually, you may have to gather a few road kills and arrange them together before you can call it still life art (maybe out them in a basket) ;)

Side: Nah
1 point

But what about the nerve endings that continue to twitch . If you lacquer it first ,like an asian food display , this should solve the problem of those twitching nerves :)

Side: Nah