
Debate Info

African Americans Homosexuals
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 African Americans (2)
 Homosexuals (6)

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Jungelson(3955) pic

In today's America...

Who has it the hardest/the worst off? Which one is treated the most unfairly?? Realy that's all there is to say :P 

African Americans

Side Score: 4


Side Score: 7

Probably black gay atheists, but if you've got any one of those things going for you, chances are you're not going to be very comfortable living in a small town in the south.

It was tough to pick a side, and maybe given the amount of time and energy rabid jackasses for Jesus spend on making life miserable for homosexuals, I picked the wrong one, but as I mentioned in another debate, I frequently pretend to be a Christian to avoid harassment and at least some homosexuals (although it's sad they should have to) can pretend to be straight if they feel threatened.

It's pretty tough to pretend you're not black in a similar situation.

Side: African Americans
Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

Huh.. I never did get the deal with you, whether you were a Christian or not...

Guess now I know ;)

Side: African Americans
2 points

It would have to be homosexuals. people say jokes about black people but they never mean it. but when people make fun of homosexuals they mean it. I am not gay or black. But when I worked in africa I had a best friend that was black. we made lots of jokes about each other but we never mean it.

Side: Homosexuals
1 point

I don't think either of them are treated all that unfairly but I'll post on this side because there are some legal issues with gay partners that are unfair.

Having said that I'm only answering this because I wanted to tell you I hate that profile pic. It looks like you're wearing a striped fez.

Side: Homosexuals
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
1 point

Hehe, thanks ;) I disagree of course, because it's the most recent photo I have of myself and really, am not too bothered if the internet menace thinks it looks silly :P

Side: African Americans
1 point

Gay marriage is still illegal in some states... but African Americans have the same rights as everyone else.

I've noticed that our entertainment industry appears to be glorifying interracial couples more often than usual. I think it's an attempt to improve our image and bring blacks and whites closer together. I don't have a problem with interracial couples, but I think the entertainment industry is overdoing it. It's like, "ugh... we get it! Racism is bad, we're all one human race... blah, blah, blah". They keep doing remakes of old tv shows and movies in which they are changing the characters that were originally white, into black characters. Imagine if they were to change a black character into a white one... there'd probably be protests.

I guess my point is that African Americans are now being glorified more in America, then they ever have been... so I don't see how anyone could argue that blacks are being treated worse than homosexuals.

Side: Homosexuals

I think homosexuals. Racism has really died out but homophobia hasn't; this is probably due to the high number of western people following Christianity (according to the Bible, homosexuality is a sin and as such should be destroyed).

Evidence: Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13

Side: Homosexuals

It is much more socially acceptable in the West to be Homophobic than Racist. You can get in serious trouble for using the N word but you can get away with using words like "fag/faggot", "dyke", "fudge packer" etc.

Side: Homosexuals

The Supreme Court in 2015 legalized Gay Marriage in America, yet, there are still Gay couples who are not allowed to adopt.

Side: Homosexuals