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Debate Score:6
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Roshaun(76) pic

Is Apple going to make a new phone soon?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 2
1 point

They do one a year, usually around summer, Samsung's clones follows in Winter time..

Side: Yes

if they do, im sure you stupid fucks will rush on out to buy one, regardless of the slight improvements.

it amazes me that for the price of an iphone, you could buy a used car...and just think of all components/manual labor that goes into making those automobiles....but once they have been driven for ten years, they are worth shit to this fucked up society.

but a little iphone? here apple, here's 2 weeks salary...i got to have it!

imagine the iphone factory compared to the ford factory...huge fucking difference im sure

Side: Yes
Helix(78) Disputed
1 point

Apple is not very expensive brand, but they offer quality and reasonably priced, they bring new stuff to market... nobody is forcing you to buy it...

iPhone is significantly more complex device than any car.

Side: No
westernslave(695) Clarified
1 point

apple isnt very expensive? lol...ok. so thats why most of us have a pc and not a mac.

im sure designing/creating the device is/was very complex, but once thats much is the actually product worth? is it made of gold, diamonds, or pussy? does it take extreme skills to snap it all together? or can some foreign kid in a far away land do it for 50 cents an hour?

i dont have to buy one?...thanks!! i wasnt sure if i had to or not.

i can tell you are part of the fuckhead generation

Side: Yes

Don't you see what they are doing? They came out with the Ipod, made it smaller and more powerful and released a new version after new version after new version.

Then they added the iphone and did the exact same system (smaller and more powerful)

Then the ipad.

Now they will do the same thing with something else.

Side: Yes
1 point

No, first you will see a bunch of stuff associated with the automotive market. New iPads, etc. Then you will see a new phone next fall.

Side: No
james8293(102) Disputed
1 point

In conclusion, having a good pair of electrician's scissors is essential for any electrician. The right scissors can make a significant difference in terms of efficiency, safety, and overall quality of work.

Side: Yes