
Debate Info

I Think So I don't Think So
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:22
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 I Think So (5)
 I don't Think So (7)

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TheThinker(1688) pic

Is Earth Pergatory/Limbo???

Your answer can also be Yes or No

I Think So

Side Score: 5

I don't Think So

Side Score: 12
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It depends on what theology and mindset you're fitting into this question.

Do theists think this is limbo? I dunno. Probably not. I was never taught that they did.

Do polytheists think this is limbo? Dunno. Never met one. But I've never heard of a non-Dungeon's and Dragon's related religion that even MENTIONS limbo.

Do atheists think this is limbo? Fuck no. They're too concerned with believing that all religion is wrong to believe anything about Earth that isn't scientific.

Do I think this is limbo? No. I don't believe anything. I don't believe this is NOT a God nor do I believe there is a God. Limbo just sounds like Dungeons and Dragons to me, and that I know is a fantasy.

But I do believe in ghosts. But this isn't about that.

Side: I don't think so
Hellno(17724) Banned
1 point

No it's not...

Now on to other things: For the record, the coward who posted this debate keeps banning me on his debates then he replies with an ignorant post that is full of lies and bullshit in general... he's a coward because he knows I can't reply since he has banned me so I'll reply here: The last time he pulled this cowardly tactic he said this to me...


You really owe me an apology.

You outcast and outlast people verbally for thier views. And that is wrong because everybody has different view than you.

If this is getting old, then don't comment me. What don't you get when i said to you three times that i don't want to argue like this anymore. Really...that is why i find you ignorant.

You are contradicting yourself. While i have nothing to do with that debate of yours, i was the "idea" that made you make it. Hypocrite.

The fact of the matter is that you want to outlash people for their views. If you want to do that, do that to every person on here because everybody have different views. Be more mature...seriously.

Downvote. and Banned because you are pathetic.


Now, my reply to TheThinker, aka TheTruth92, 93, and 94...

You really owe me an apology.

Bwhahahahahaha! That's the funniest thing I've ever seen you post.

You outcast and outlast people verbally for thier views.

What the fuck? Is this Survivor? What the frack are you talking about?

And that is wrong because everybody has different view than you.

You really are a simpleton aren't ya?!

If this is getting old, then don't comment me. What don't you get when i said to you three times that i don't want to argue like this anymore. Really...that is why i find you ignorant.

Well, then I guess you are calling yourself ignorant aren't ya? Because are doing exactly that. Duh!

You are contradicting yourself. While i have nothing to do with that debate of yours, i was the "idea" that made you make it. Hypocrite.

No you weren't you fucking idiot... your actions were... wow! You have the mental capacity of a 5 year old and that's an insult to 5 year olds... sorry guys!

The fact of the matter is that you want to outlash people for their views.

Outlash isn't a word... but keep trying, maybe you'll learn something (but probably not)

If you want to do that, do that to every person on here because everybody have different views.

Not everyone on this site is as ignorant as you... Gary, for example, is whacked as hell but I don't consider him to be ignorant... just a little nutty. (actually Gary is like that crazy cousin, you know he's crazy, but you like him anyway)

Be more mature...seriously.

Please take you own advice.

Downvote. and Banned because you are pathetic.

Yay! You lose more points and I don't!

Side: I don't think so
TheThinker(1688) Disputed
1 point


Every username i make, has you rambling your nonsense.

Im a coward. lol, i am not the one who is making debates to talk about someone behind their backs.

And what shows your ignorance more than ever is that you keep coming to my debates. If you dislike me so much, then don't go to my debates. It is that simple.

Grow up! Man up and coward down! And "outlash" is a word. AND DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT CERTAIN SUBJECTS ON MY DEBATES THAT IS NOT RELEVANT TO THE QUESTION. If you can't respect that fact, then you are the one that must look in the mirror.

You are freaking in your twenties, and you don't have the common sense that i don't want you on my debates. You go and convince everybody that i am this sick coward, but it is you that makes you look like a fool.

I reporting you again.

Side: I think so
Hellno(17724) Disputed Banned
1 point

Try reading my post and replying to that instead of just spewing crap all over the place... Try again.

Side: I don't think so
Hellno(17724) Disputed Banned
1 point

I'm waiting for a real argument from you and not just a bunch of idiotic bullshit!

Side: I don't think so
Hellno(17724) Disputed Banned
1 point

outlash is NOT a word.... good grief you make this so easy !

Side: I don't think so