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 Is Joe Cavalry pregnant? (11)

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altarion(1955) pic

Is Joe Cavalry pregnant?

I mean it seems from his last debate that he wants an abortion real bad, or something like that.

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Here's a picture to help you decide ;)

I call him, Michael. My daughters don't believe it even after they see and feel him kicking ;)

1 point

LOL good one... Hmm as long as there haven't been any whacked up transplants yesterday, I think he'll be okay

1 point

You didn't take the Plan B pill did you? Lol. If you don't use protection then you should use the Plan B pill just in case. (;

I thought I was supposed to take the red pill? I'm all confused ;)

No, Joe Cavalry is simply nuts...not preggers! `````````````````````````````````

Side: the blue pill

No, he's way too old to get pregnent. Besides, does he look like the star of 'Junior'?

Side: the blue pill