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Debate Score:70
Total Votes:89
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 No (20)

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GuitaristDog(2548) pic

Is Nummi Ignorant?

Wanted the CreateDebate community's opinion on this subject.


Side Score: 34


Side Score: 36
5 points

While I may be a bit biased on the subject, I will have to lean towards the "Yes" side. As Nummi has often ignored my arguments in the past purely because of my religious beliefs.

Side: Yes
nummi(1432) Disputed
2 points

I didn't ignore a single argument of yours... but you did ignore most of mine. Oh, I did ignore some of yours, but only because you ignored mine first. Your arguments were simply idiotic, even based on delusions. You think I'm supposed to agree with nonsense? No.

I do not care whether you are religious or not. If your arguments do not make sense, not just make sense but are such idiotic nonsense that they deserve nothing more than ridicule then that's exactly what they will get in response. But still, first I tried explaining what was wrong with your arguments, then eventually I ended up repeating the same over and over while you simply ignored everything I said...

I'd say look at yourself first but I doubt you could do it with an objective mind.

Side: No
3 points

Nummi does tend to bash religious ideals and people just for the fun of it. I've encountered several people like that on this site and nummi does it to an extent and way that makes him/her/shim/ (whatever the fuck you are) seem more like a jack ass just trying to offend those whom believe in anything.

Ignorant? Nah. Arrogant? MAYBE.

Side: Yes
nummi(1432) Disputed
1 point

Nummi does tend to bash religious ideals and people just for the fun of it.

Oh really? And if you didn't have such idiotic beliefs and if you wouldn't give such nonsensical arguments?

I view you as someone with mental problems, that's all.

I've encountered several people like that on this site and nummi does it to an extent and way that makes him/her/shim/ (whatever the fuck you are) seem more like a jack ass just trying to offend those whom believe in anything.

Have you ever wondered that maybe the reason it is so is because of you, because of the arguments you give? Ever thought of that?

I never say negative words or anything similar to insult people (unless they are really asking for it), I only say them if it really is so (based on their arguments). Now, what you did here is completely disrespectful and very childish, you truly are an idiot (or would you prefer some other words that apply anyway?).

You are mentally so messed up... I mean, come on, you take fantasy as reality...

As I said, the words I've used to describe you and many others is because of the arguments you and others have given, because those arguments can only be such as they are if you are indeed mentally a mess. Or were you simply trolling? I doubt you were.

I'm not arrogant. There's a difference between being arrogant and knowing oneself.

Side: No
Lynaldea(1231) Disputed
1 point

Which beliefs of mine do you have to tell me that they are idiotic?

Ive done nothing on this board but proclaim I believe in X,Y, Z ordeals amongst many other X, Y, Z subjects.

You've claimed many words of what you believe I am based upon what believe I am multiple times before.

Namely you bash religion and its people.

And on behalf of all of the genuine and "good" religious beliefs in the world.

Fuck you nummi, and you cannot stop it. You cannot stop the believes that which are properly granted and given to humans like us, like you.

Do not fucking bash on people because they believe in X, Y, Z god(s).

The quotation is another subject. The quotation for "good" is the fact that there are bullshit people and not bullshit people.

And the fact remains that not all religious people are bullshit.

Religion and religious people are not the enemy.

The enemy are those that utilize religion and religious people for all the bullshit that which you and others deem to be "wrong" and "bad"...

The real enemy is human error.

Take your feeble claims up with mother nature.

Side: Yes
2 points

With a name like that I'm going with yes..........................................

Side: Yes
1 point

You are not so bad after all. ;)

Side: Yes
nummi(1432) Disputed
1 point

Nice try. But not nice enough.

Side: No
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

Potassium .

Side: Yes

To be honest I find nummi's style of debating to be quite distasteful, disrespectful at times which doesn't help his case. I will admit I have had issues being civil myself.

Side: Yes
nummi(1432) Disputed
1 point

Depends on the argument I'm disputing, and who the person is I'm disputing, and what the opponent's tone is. If the person is someone I'm familiar with from previous messes then... it won't be nice.

Side: No
zephyr20x6(2387) Disputed
1 point

I see, I can understand that.

Side: Yes

I have only encountered him a few times, but based on those and times I see him debating with other users I have noticed that he will stubbornly argue his opinion, disregarding any facts the other person may give and also tries to force his opinion on them. Not sure if "ignorant" is 100% correct, but he's at least stubborn.

Side: Yes
1 point

He is a hateful dick .

Side: Yes
1 point

Just like you. .

Side: Yes
1 point

Wow. I really must've pissed you off.

Have you ever wondered why I haven't made any debates about you?

This is just too funny.

Side: No
2 points

I'd just like to know if others think you are ignorant as well. ;)

Side: Yes
nummi(1432) Disputed
1 point

Ignorant of what exactly? As you seem ignorant of the fact that there are many different subjects, very many.

Side: No
1 point

I wouldn't call him ignorant what he says are his opinions and no more he's not ignorant to the side he's fighting against because I remember having a religious debate with him and he proved to know a lot about it. So no I don't think he's ignorant.

Side: No
1 point

If I see one more debate that is pertaining to some feud with another user, kaboom.

Side: No
2 points

What are you suggesting? You're going to blow up the internet? Where will people get porn?

Side: No
2 points

I was thinking that I'd probably blow up. But I could always phone the Chinese and get them to turn off the Internet.

Side: No

I say no because I see this as another form of debating. You have aggressive debators, relaxed debators, happy debators, etc. He just uses one of the more rare forms so I'd say he is just being himself and answering honestly......hopefully. :) I do understand where the "Yes" side is coming from though.

Side: No

Ok, ok now. Are we in kindergarten you guys? No. We shouldn't be making a so-called 'debate' about the potential ignorance of another member. Does it matter? You can have your opinion. There is no need to gather everyone else's opinion on something like this.

Side: No