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Debate Score:7
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ryuukyuzo(641) pic

Is Life Pre-Determined, or do we have Free Will


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 2

I believe in somewhat of a mixture of both.

The extreme quantity of purported premonitory visions does - in my mind, at the very least - give credence to the possibility of a sort of predestination. However, there are things which also lead me to believe that, aside from this belief in predestination, there is a certain amount of freewill involved. For one, once people see a glimpse of the future, they may try - and they may succeed - in changing such a future.

Now, perhaps there was a reason for the premonitory vision? Perhaps the vision was somehow supplied for them with the hopes of the future being changed. Perhaps by God, perhaps by people from "the future".

Side: free will

I think it's free will. If the theory of life arriving on Earth from an asteroid is true, then I don't see how this could have been predetermined. Evolution occurred as species adapted to different environments. The changing environments made creatures change their ways to survive.

Side: free will

In my opinion it is free will.

If you prescribe to a particular religion such as the Judeo-Christian-Islamic trio then you are bound by the teaching that your path is pre-determined, even though they teach that God has granted man free will; they also teach that God is an omniscient and omnipotent entity. If this is so then free will is redundant as an omnipotent creator that is omniscient would know every outcome of every action carried out by an individual, thus your path is pre-determined.

Side: free will
1 point

Everyone had free will,that should go without saying. However,there are some things,though few,in life that are predestined. These are things such as you meeting a person that eventually ends up becoming your best friend or life partner. Things like that are destiny,at least from my point of view. However,anything else in life definitely revolves around free will and the choices that you choose to make.

Side: free will
1 point

throughout life you constantly make decisions. "I will brush my teeth before I get dressed." I will go the long way to work." Everyday all the time. every little thing counts. And every choice we make changes/effects our lives. And who knows what you will choose. Shit happens. And you change you may be faced with a decision and you choose to do one thing but ten years later of before you would've chosen something else. you make your own destiny!

Side: free will
1 point

Since the moment of the big bang, every single atom was shot off in the only direction it could go, for only as far as it had the energy to go.

It was predetermined and so must everything that resulted from it.


No one asks to be born, therefore, free will does not exist.