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Is Sarah Palin a good VP choice for McCain?

who is she, and is she a good choice?


Side Score: 8
Winning Side!


Side Score: 4
2 points

She's a good but very political choice. McCain is trying to court the female voters who were all geared up about Hilary Clinton but disappointed about Obama's VP pick. I haven't ever heard of her before.

Side: yes
2 points

Sarah Palin is a great VP choice for McCain. She supports drilling in ANWR, and has done good things for Alaska so far. Since she has been governor, my general approval rating of her has been positive.

As for experience, I would rather have an experienced president with an inexperienced vice president than an inexperienced president with an experienced vice president.

Palin opposes wasteful spending and has worked to prevent corruption in Alaskan government.

McCain just picked Palin today, Friday, lets see how long it takes for the Trooper fiasco to surface...

Side: yes
1 point

she's good, been trying to get drilling in Alaska and all, and a tough woman in general. McCain has that "underdog" image, and choosing this lady that not many people know helps with that. especially since it's a woman. she doesn't have that much experience, but it's just a VP.

as for politics (something i technically don't care about), people are gonna like the whole woman thing, and may get those insane feminazis who hated Obama because he ran against Hillary to vote for him.

in a way, it's funny on how either way we're gonna have either a woman or a black in the white house. then again, i never cared about that. fuckin' politics and stupid people who care.

Side: yes
2 points

Sarah Palin will make a great candidate for VP, but is a cynical choice to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Karl Rove agrees AND he asserts a small town mayor and short-term governor would only be an "intensely political choice where he (the Presidential candidate) said, `You know what? I’m really not, first and foremost, concerned with, is this person capable of being president of the United States?"

Now, to be fair, Mr Rove was not speaking of Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska for twenty months and before that mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, pop. ca. 9,000.

No, he was speaking on Face the Nation on August 10, 2008 talking about prospective democratic VP candidate Tim Kaine, three year Governor of VA and former mayor of Richmond, VA.

As a running mate, Palin will play to the conservative base' main issues, "God, guns and gays!" and if McCain wins yet leaves this mortal coil or becomes incapacitated, this right-wing ideologue will ascend to the Presidency with less international experience than Barack Obama!

The GOP is run by a bunch of Mayberry Machiavellis who will do anything to consolidate power for their corporate masters.

Side: No
0 points

McCain has been speaking of Obama's lack of experience all along, and here he brings us someone whose experience mostly consists of less than 2 years as governor of Alaska, a state of less than a million people. If McCain thinks Obama is not experienced enough for the presidential office, I don't see how Palin would fit as a vice-president.

This looks like a desperate attempt to grab some Hillary supporters and I think they'll mostly see through it. Their positions on important issues are, after all, totally different. Her pro-life, anti-gay marriage, pro-creationist record contrasts with Hillary's, for instance...

Most worrying is the fact that John McCain is 72 years old: The possibility of him passing away while in office and leaving the presidency, the economy and the foreign policy to this woman few people knew before today will certainly scare a few voters.

Side: No
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
2 points

it's very different from Obama. Obama wants to lead the country with little experience. Sarah Palin is purely there to offer suggestions... the VP doesn't have much of a role (although, Dick Cheney is considered the most influential VP of all time). 4 years of McCain will give her a lot more experience than what Obama has so far. if anything, it's perfect for her and not a difference for us.

Side: yes