
Debate Info

Yes! If the price is right!
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Yes! (3)
 If the price is right! (3)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17724) pic

Is There a Line of Work You Wouldn't Do for any Amount of Money?


Side Score: 3

If the price is right!

Side Score: 4
1 point

There's a bunch of stuff. People tend to be more successful when they do what they love and figure out how to get paid for it then when they do what pays and try to fall in love with it.

Side: Yes!
1 point

Working on any emergency crew that had to handle dead bodies and the likes. That'll fuck you up.

Side: Yes!

I would not want to be a window washer on a high rise building.

Side: Yes!
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

This debate is two years old! You leave arguments on several old debates of mine every day. Now, normally that would be fine except that you're not really interested in actually debating or interacting with anyone. Every time you post on some old dead debate of mine it notifies me. It's really annoying to click on my notifications only to discover it's just another pointless post of yours.

Side: If the price is right!
1 point

As long the price is right, I would have no problem with doing anything. I believe everybody has a price, as long as they don't have money as dust.

Side: If the price is right!
1 point

I do want to be a stripper. I am tired of being little miss goody two shoes and getting nothing in return.

Side: If the price is right!