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Born Innocent Born in Sin
Debate Score:56
Total Votes:56
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 Born Innocent (31)
 Born in Sin (19)

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Kururai(167) pic

Is a person born innocent or sinful?

Some people think that a person is originally born innocent, where as others think that those born are born in sin, and must do deeds to repent or erase the sin he/she has been born with.

Born Innocent

Side Score: 36

Born in Sin

Side Score: 20

Based on, and since the first 2 definitions apply to legality, the 3rd and 4th would apply. Those being:

3. simplicity; absence of guile or cunning; naiveté.

4. lack of knowledge or understanding.

A person is born innocent. Their minds are like soft clay, ready to be molded by the parents. A degree of altruism and morality must be instilled, not because they are inherently evil or sinful, but because they will default to the survival instincts of an animal due to our evolutionary history.

Side: Born Innocent
2 points

Humans have no say whether they exist in this world; that is, we did not choose to be here on this earth; we did not choose our parents or lovers to fuck, and viola here we are.

Humans do not choose their parents, herego the indoctrination of X, Y, Z beliefs at early age, being born.

Humans are born innocent, it's after the fact of being born innocent that one may become "sinful" or not.

However, in the sense that "sin" is around, in the air, in the DNA of our flesh and bones and ethos, then perhaps would could say:

"Humans were born into a wretched world, a world of pain and suffering, a world of hatred and despise."

But also,

"Humans were born into a realm of love, of kindness, of genuine-ness, of peace and beauty."

Side: Born Innocent
lolzors93(3225) Disputed
1 point

"Humans were born into a wretched world, a world of pain and suffering, a world of hatred and despise."

But also,

"Humans were born into a realm of love, of kindness, of genuine-ness, of peace and beauty."

Thats contradictory. How is it possible for one to be born good but then be changed by the world to be evil if the ones who are influencing him to be evil were also born good?

Side: Born in Sin
Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

What is evil?

Is it evil to desire? To desire food? Or money that buys food? Is it bad to be competitive or greedy? What if you are that way so you can get a nice house for your family, and to get that money, you work hard?

Do you think everyone is a burglar or robber? Or a murderer? I don't think so.

If you make simply living and being human a sin, then sin has become meaningless.

And it has.

Side: Born Innocent
Lynaldea(1227) Disputed
1 point

You've misunderstood my post.

Humans are born innocently in a world they had no choice to come into.

Naturally, humans are born innocent but "born into" a world of pain and suffering, whilst also "being born into" a world of love and beauty.

Therefore, humans are born innocent and humans can become "naturally evil and/or naturally good."

Personally, I believe humans are both "good and evil"; that is, we are capable of doing both good and evil things, it's generally up to the person to decide which end of the spectrum he or she chooses to indulge him or herself into.

Side: Born Innocent

Through Christian context, every person has committed sin or at least inherited it from Adam and Eve. But judging them through their present actions, they may be termed innocent since they have not committed any action whatsoever. Basing it from the sayings of lawyers, less talk is equivalent to less mistakes. Therefore, it is similar to less action is equal to less sin. As for the child, no action is equal to no mistake. So therefore we may conclude that newly born people are innocent.

Side: Born Innocent
1 point

I think a person borns innocent.There is no any sin made by him.It is not his fault that he was born.

Side: Born Innocent

When person only borns he is totally innocent because he is unable to do anything what can injure God. He is feeded with mother's milk, so he he can not be blamed for such a sin as gluttony. He does not envy others because he does not know such a thing as envy, and this is the second sin which he has never done yet. He does not have such a sense as greed because he does not know the value of money. This is the third one. He has not yet formed mind so he can not give himself an assessment so the newborn does not know about a pride - the fourth sin according to the bible. Because he is still a child, he has no idea about this deadly sin as adultery, but with time he will manage with it - it is inevitably. Even if the child wants to do something he could not because he is not physically able to even sit down, it follows that he can not be too lazy to do something, so he does not offend God by sin such as laziness. And the last one, the seventh is a rage. Can you imagine an angry newborn? I quess no, so it means that the infant is not sinful in this field.

In conclusion, newborn children are completely innocent.

Side: Born Innocent
1 point

i think every born baby is innocent..........................................

Side: Born Innocent
1 point

Born innocent. A rational person knows that you can't be guilty of anything if you haven't even lived.

Side: Born Innocent
1 point

Of course they are born innocent. They have made no mistakes yet they are just starting their lives.

Side: Born Innocent

A baby is born innocent. Sin happens later on in life. No one is born sinful.

Side: Born Innocent

Everyone is born innocent without any sin. There is no sin at birth.

Side: Born Innocent
1 point

Does one sin because he is a sinner or does one become a sinner by him sinning?

Side: Born in Sin
2 points

My last argument may have been a bit confusing. Let me simplify.

You are not a billionaire, until you have a billion dollars.

You are not President of the United States, until you become President of the United States.

You are not a liar, until you have lied.

You are not a sinner, until you have sinned.

Side: Born Innocent
Kururai(167) Disputed
1 point

However, if you are born with the thoughts of sin, then you are a sinner, and has therefore committed sin because one was born with the thoughts of sin making him a sinner.

Side: Born in Sin
1 point

Certain people don't want to understand something so simple.

Everyone will die one day. By their logic everyone is already dead.

Side: Born Innocent
Kururai(167) Clarified
1 point

According to Christianity one sins because he is a sinner.

Side: Born Innocent
lolzors93(3225) Clarified
1 point

So, if one is not a sinner, can one sin?

Can one, who is a sinner, not sin?

Side: Born Innocent
1 point

How can you be a sinner before you have committed the act of sin?

Imagine this. Mark is a billionaire in the year 2030. In 2012 he is a billionaire despite not having a billion dollars, because in 28 years he will become a billionaire.

Similarly imagine this: Mark is a sinner in the year 2013. In 2012 he is also a sinner despite not having committed a sin, because next year Mark will commit his first sin.

I propose the following idea: You become a billionaire or sinner, when you get that billion dollars or when you commit that first sin.

Agree or disagree? Why?

Side: Born Innocent
lolzors93(3225) Disputed
1 point

First, you are mixing inner mechanisms with external. Being a billionaire is not entirely dependent upon the self but does in fact correspond with outside stimuli. Being a sinner and committing a sin is entirely dependent upon the self.

Second, in regards to a person's characteristics, how can someone be evil if all they are is good? Likewise, why would a person who is not a murderer commit a murder? How could a person who is not a murderer commit a murder, since he is bound to that character.

Third, by defining someone as a sinner, it indicates that this is the thing that they do, which is not tied directly to past or future situations. It is tied to the present and only to the present. Therefore, because someone is, by definition a sinner, they are, by definition, required to sin.

Side: Born in Sin
1 point

I am a christian, so I believe we're all sinners.............

Side: Born in Sin
1 point

Our lord tells us that we are all born with original sin and only baptism cleans your soul of the sins of adam and eve that's not my opinion it's gods holy and sacred word

Side: Born in Sin

no one is innocent we are born with sin...................................

Side: Born in Sin