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Yeah Nope
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:29
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 Yeah (6)
 Nope (9)

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johnbonham32(2429) pic

Is a sense of humor the most important thing to have?


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 12
3 points

Everything is equal, but I personally find people who lack a sense of humor as annoying... and possibly retarded.

So in my own, personal view, I find sense of humor very important. Like, my ideal mate would have a good sense of humor.

But what's good about people who lack a sense of humor is that you can mess with them while others think you're fuckin' hilarious.

Side: Yeah
3 points

Keep this in mind when casting your vote for or against humor, know of any successful stupid comedians? Comedy takes an extremely intelligent person to pull it off.

Side: Yeah
2 points

It is an important thing. Firstly, it helps to support strong friendship. Most of people who have good sense of humor are communicative people. People like these always may do any conversation cheerful and funny. It is very pleasant to communicate with them. If a person has good sense of humor, it doesn't mean that he is not serious person. Only highly developed person may say really funny and good jokes. I noticed it in many people with perfect intellectual abilities. I think people should be beautiful or handsome not only appearance. Soul also may be beautiful. To be serious always is too boring. In my opinion, we always should keep ourselves positively because it gives its own contribution to have excellent mood. In this way it is very significant to have good sense of humor. We also must try to develop ourselves in this purpose.

Side: Yeah
Arcane(64) Disputed
2 points

But for our survival is it most important? I think not. If you do not have the strength, intelligence, or resources to survive, I don't think making myself laugh is going to allow me to live. Sure, if we don't have those three things at our disposal, laughing at our pathetic existence could help with the pain of dying but overall I just don't see it helping me survive.

Side: NOPE
cwongie(60) Disputed
2 points

The thing is, for a lot of us, survival isn't a big thing anymore. When we were living in the wild and what not, sure. Surviving by gathering shit and eating and fighting preds was definitely a priority. Now it's surviving wars or whatever. Even though, you need a small sense of humor during a war so you can at least keep sane with everything that's going on. That's just opinion on it.

Maybe having that sense of humor makes you weaker, i dunno.

Side: Yeah
1 point

I have found that normally the more intellectually developed a person is the lower their sense of humor becomes

It is the most important thing to ME because it allows me to pause and think outside of the box and see things in a different perspective that would otherwise normally tear my self esteem apart

ANYTHING that promotes healthy out of the box thinking is beneficial because there are 2 choices in life

Stagnate or grow towards enlightment

diesal stupid philosophy
Side: Yeah

It can be at times because it can curb the anger boiling up inside.

Side: Yeah

Sense of humor is certainly not the most important thing to have. I suppose it is valuable to those who desire it.

Side: NOPE
1 point

sense of humor is just on of the numerous abilities that a person can has, but it doesn't mean that it is the most important thing...

Side: NOPE

How can a sense of humour be more important than fitness, intelligence, and morality? Let's face it, telling a bear a knock-knock joke isn't going to stop it clawing my face off, but an Olympic medal in sprinting might.

Side: NOPE
1 point

A sense of humor is tremendously important, especially the ability to laugh at yourself. But it is not more important then integrity. That is the most important of all.

Side: NOPE
1 point

There are tons of important things existing in this world

If to pick the most important thing, would it be Sense of Humor?

How about Knowledge or modesty etc.?

Sense of Humor is important who desires it

Side: NOPE
0 points

I value my sense of humor immensely. I am extremely funny and always cheerful. Too bad nobody else realizes I've one.

Side: NOPE
0 points

To my mind serious person is very attractive. If a person is joking every time, everyone will be tired of him and no one will find him as a serious person.. So in the result everyone will avoid him...

Side: NOPE