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Debate Score:3
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user554random(1175) pic

Is belief in Naturalism self contradicting?

I came across a believer in God who stated that naturalism is all false, and that it is self contradicting.  He referred me to this website:

He pointed out that the author of that post is the same author from TalkOrigins.  I could not figure out a way to verify this, because anyone can type in a fake name.  The crux of this argument appears to be the following statement:  The physical determination of thought under naturalism of course includes the thought "Naturalism is true". Therefore, when making the claim, the naturalist has no free choice but is at the mercy of the circuits in his/her brain to judge on the question.

Basically that because our brains are made through naturalistic means, that they are inherently biased to believe that naturalism is true, therefore we cannot trust our brains.  At least, that's what it looks like.  Or did I misinterpret it?  


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 2
1 point

How does one act unnaturally? How does one not do what the synapses in their brain naturally make happen?

Side: Yes

That would require naturalism to be a sentient force that could manipulate objects to have such predispositions.

Of course it isn't, so the argument sucks weens.

Side: No
1 point

You could have made the exact same argument to that individual it seems, replacing naturalism with god... or anything for that matter really. No matter what you replace the flawed argument with however, it is still using "self-contradicting" wrong.

Side: No