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Business blogging is essential Business blogging is passé
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 Business blogging is essential (8)
 Business blogging is passé (1)

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frederieke(7) pic

Is business blogging an effective communication tool or is it already passé?

 I'm (as an International Communication & Media graduate student) currently researching the effect of business blogging in relation to effective communication tools and strategies. I would love to hear your opinion about business blogging and its communication effectiveness.

What is your opinion about the following statement: 

Business blogging (also named brand blogging or corporate blogging) is an effective communication tool and essential to any organization.

Currently, many organizations decide to set up a business blog to reach and engage their target audience. Do you think it is a must to set up a business blog in order to increase customer engagement? Can business blogging be used as an effective communication tool? And how does business blogging contribute to a better communication strategy? In the end, does business blogging help any organization to improve its communication?

 Please share your thoughts! Thank you for your help. 

Business blogging is essential

Side Score: 9

Business blogging is passé

Side Score: 2
1 point

I actually never heard of business blogging before this message. But it sounds like an effective way of communicating. To me it seems as good way to engage your customers without them having to commit to something. They can just come and go as they please, to get more information about the brand in a more approachable way.

However, there are so many communication tools for a company to use.. they should not create a blog just to have another online tool to reach their audience. It should have some added value to the customer.

Side: Business blogging is essential
isabellelope(10) Clarified
1 point

Car shipping services often have dedicated customer support teams that are available to assist you throughout the transportation process, addressing any concerns or questions you may have.

Side: Business blogging is essential
1 point

I think business blogging is a valuable tool if it adheres to the corporate identity of the company (e.g. tone of voice, visual identity..) and is clearly recognizable as such. Through using it, companies have the opportunities to connect more casually and personally with their audiences and treat topics that are not suitable for e.g. their website. In addition, they can react faster to the business environment as blogs are a relatively easy to use and 'fast' communication medium.

Lastly however, I believe that whether the business blog survives or not largely depends on the additional value that it offers audiences and perhaps the industry that the business finds itself in. If customers find valuable tips, information and updates on a site that improve their brand and product experience, these blogs will be read. If the serve no clear purpose and are just 'another' communication channel, then I believe they won't last long...

Side: Business blogging is essential
1 point

I think business blogging is essential because I have seen this in the companies I have been working for. It is still a very effective way to generate traffic to your website / company and transfer competent information in an easy to digest way. I have worked for many online marketing companies though, so maybe this is not relevant for any type of company.

Side: Business blogging is essential
1 point

Hey there! Cryptocurrency is really very popular now and many still invest their financial savings in bitcoin or something else. I think there are a lot of options and there are some good opinions about cryptocurrency. You will probably succeed and the relationship with cryptocoins will get better!

Side: Business blogging is essential
1 point

Businesses should use blogs to increase search engine optimization, reach out to new clients, and build their brands.

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Side: Business blogging is essential
1 point

Enterprise Risk Management is like steering a ship through the vast sea of uncertainties. Now, introducing an employee feedback tool into this dynamic landscape is akin to having a compass that not only points north but also gauges the winds of employee sentiments. In the voyage of risk management, harness the power of your crew—the employees. Integrate an effective feedback tool as a navigational instrument. It's not just about identifying risks; it's about tapping into the collective wisdom of your workforce. Sail towards success by understanding the currents of employee feedback, ensuring a resilient and adaptable enterprise in the face of challenges.

Side: Business blogging is essential
0 points

I think blogging is a very effective communication tool for businesses. With blogging they can very easily and effective make a connection with (potential) customers. People receive so much content every day, when you as a business can make the content relevant to the customer it will be remembered and eventually will have a positive impact on the relation with the customer. I believe that building relation with customers is the key these days.

Side: Business blogging is essential
1 point

It is a communication tool, but I think it is favoured for a certain way of communication. If the company has an interesting and extended content to share, i.e. an essay or a manual, a blog seems to be the right tool. But for a simple feedback, a news flash or a competition/game, one of the several other social media should be used.

In my opinion people respond in more extend on blogs since they take more time to read the articles anyway. Other media are for a different content and therefore a rather short response.

Side: Business blogging is passé
james8293(102) Disputed
1 point

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Side: Business blogging is essential