
Debate Info

Moral Immoral
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Moral (1)

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Caspion(228) pic

Is giving sex changes to children moral or immoral


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 0
1 point

The "morality" of ANY medical practice should be decided by doctors, parents and/or a medical council, not any Tom, Dick or Mary with a religious conviction.

Side: Moral
FerretHole(112) Clarified
1 point

Trust me, it is immoral. Even adults who get sex changes change their mind a lot of the time. It is literally wrong to let a kid make that decision before they are old enough to understand it's full implications (which many adults aren't even capable of understanding) and it is even more wrong to let a doctor or parent make the decisions for them, nevermind Tom Dick and Mary (whoever they are).

Side: Moral
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