
Debate Info

Yes, we're the pinnacle No, we're not the pinnacle
Debate Score:40
Total Votes:47
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 Yes, we're the pinnacle (9)
 No, we're not the pinnacle (20)

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honie(103) pic

Is it arrogant to assume that homo sapiens are the "pinnacle" of evolution?

Do you think that we, homo sapiens, are the pinnacle of evolution, all across the universe?  Are we as wise and as important as we think we are, or are we just some random occurance of evolution and it happened to spit out homo sapiens?

Yes, we're the pinnacle

Side Score: 9

No, we're not the pinnacle

Side Score: 31
1 point

In a way we are.

Humans are the highest expression of consciousness.

Side: Yes, we're the pinnacle
zombee(1014) Disputed
1 point

Brainpower is only one trait and just because it has made us the dominant species does not mean it is the best. If there are 'pinnacles' of evolution, then we would be at the top of just one among many, with the others occupied by the highest expression of other characteristics, such as speed, size, adaptability, breeding ability, etc.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
ryuukyuzo(641) Disputed
1 point

Huh, I never thought about it like that.... oh wait, yes I did. =p

That's I wrote "In a way". ;)

Side: Yes, we're the pinnacle
1 point

With an abundance of supporting evidence, and absence of evidence to the contrary, I think it's very reasonable to assume that humanity is the most intellectually advanced species on Earth.

It is less reasonable to assume that we're the most advanced species in the entire universe, but for general practical purposes there's no need to have strong beliefs on the matter of whether or not there are aliens more intelligent than us.

But I don't think the question of whether or not we are a random occurrence of evolution makes any difference. Randomness in invention or discovery doesn't make a thing less valuable intrinsically.

Side: Yes, we're the pinnacle

Humans are the pinnacle and will continue to evolve as centuries pass.

Side: Yes, we're the pinnacle
0 points

Well...we're the pinnacle of creation. If one believes in evolution why wouldn't we be the pinnacle. Pretty sure we're the only species that can contemplate, or even know fully what we are...and at the same time realize we don't know what we are. But...evolution is still a theory as it hasn't been proven we evolved from apes and that apes evolved from anything. There's holes in every "chain".

Side: Nope we're created
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
2 points

"proving" evolution would in no way make it NOT a theory.

Do we teach germ theory, as a theory, because it hasn't been proven? What about cell theory? Is that unproven?

A theory in everyday colloquial usage, does not carry the same meaning as a theory in scientific usage. A scientific theory, is not just an idea or a guess. A theory is a falsifiable explanation which is capable of explaining a series of facts or observations. All theories must begin as hypothesis and subjected to verification. A theory is the strongest form of explanation in science.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
MangMaster(1) Clarified
1 point

Dolphins are recognized as non-human humanoids and are pretty much emotionally and socially as people. Dolphins along with many other species are aware and can contemplate. Humans did not evolve from apes they evolved along with them... just took a different branch or niche or w/e and fuck you for saying evolution is not proven... really

Side: Yes, we're the pinnacle
zombee(1014) Disputed
0 points

Why would we be the pinnacle? Yes, we are the most intelligent creature on the planet, but we're not the strongest, the fastest, the smallest, the largest, the most poisonous, the most fertile, the best swimmer, the most numerous and so on and so on. Of course we place a subjective value on intelligence over any of these other traits, but that is a biased viewpoint, for obvious reasons. Evolution encompasses a vast array of traits and abilities, and intelligence is only one.

Additionally, there may very well be life on other planets that had evolved a superior intelligence.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
Eminence Disputed
1 point

we throw the best, we are the best at long distance running, we are the most dextrous and intelligent so that we can create machines that surpass animal abilities. Think about how the fastest cars are so much faster than cheetahs...or planes that can fly much higher and faster than birds. Or night vision cameras that allows us to see in complete darkness (many animals can see in low light conditions but not in complete dark) infrared cameras, UV cameras, machines that can lift many times more than the strongest animal, microscopes that allow us to see things that no animal can, telescopes that help us to see further than any hawk or eagle...additionally, we may even be able to create ships for interplanetary, interstellar or intergalactic travelling so that we can find those beings with superior intelligence.

Side: Yes, we're the pinnacle
4 points

There is no pinnacle of evolution, because no organism can be the best at every niche.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle

For humanity to believe that we are the pinnacle of evolution all across the universe is simply arrogant.

Humans have not even scratch the surface of knowledge, and nowhere near the pinnacle of evolution.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle

Technically, no one animal can be the pinnacle of evolution because organism will always be adapting to subtle changes in the enviroment, improving little by little.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle

Evolution does not drive species towards some specific, ultimate goal such as intelligence or size. It is merely the process by which a species becomes more suitable to survive in a given environment. As such, there can be no pinnacle of evolution, as many different environments exists where what may be the perfect organism for, say, a deep sea trench, would shrivel and die in a matter of seconds.

Videlicet, humans may be perfectly suited for surviving on most of Earth's landmass, but drop us into a deep sea trench and we suffer a very painful death, whereas a sponge would be perfectly happy there, but would die if left in even the most pleasant and middle class of neighbourhoods.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
1 point

I think that we just happened to spawn out of the hell-fires of planet Earth, and we ended up the way we are by means evolution and time. Anywhere else in the universe, life could have evolved in a completely different way. And that life form could be the ultimate, dominant form in its respective environment.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
1 point

No we arent the pinnacle of evolution. We were created..... duh. Kidding kinda but until the miraculous evolution is recreated where life just starts on its own im sticking to creationism or intelligent design. Your opinion on the matter cannot be debated though. As far as arrogance we are top of only food chain proven to exist so from that standpoint i would say humans rock.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
dcovan(170) Disputed
1 point

Ya not what i was looking for. Looking for spark of life. Sure something alive can evolve to an extent but the e coli didnt change to a dog or anything.... just kidding. I know its God gap syndrome but thats a fairly large gap. There was no life then there was life? Just dont see how how you evolve life.

Side: Yes, we're the pinnacle
1 point

Yes,it is highly arrogant to assume they humans are the pinnacle of evolution. Humans have,for far too long,assumed that they are the absolute best thing that has ever happened to this Earth. Most people are convinced they we,as humans,are the the top of the food chain,the judges of whatever happens in society,and basically the "Gods" of the Earth. It's absolutely ridiculous because most humans seem to not be able to accept the fact that maybe we aren't the pinnacle of evolution and maybe we aren't the most highly intelligent species to ever exist. The problem with humans is that we have this self-centered conceded attitude's because we have for so long adapted to being the "top" or hierarchy of everything. So no,humans are the pinnacle of evolution.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
1 point

I would argue we are NOT the dominant species. I would say that the mitochondria are the dominant species (in a way). I mean, there are anywhere from one to sever thousand mitochondria in every cell of every species of eukaryote- plants, animals, and protists. As for comfort of living, mitochondria literally have a system surrounding them that feeds them, maintains them, and keeps them pristine. There are no know viruses that target mitochondrion- no getting sick.

sounds like a pretty sweet deal

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
1 point

The assumption is that humans are all alike when they may be well the species with the most differences among them when compared to all other species. While there are certainly examples of selfless individuals who dedicate their lives to not only the betterment of their own species, but caring for the planet as whole, there are those who do everything for numero uno (number one) whatever the cost to others, and yet others who seem hell bent on bringing the whole house down so that the Biblical prophecies they believe in will come true! Seems bizarre but so it is. The former selfless types wouldn't think for one moment of being the pinnacle of anything at all knowing that they live on a small planet on one solar system in the midst of a vast galaxy that is but one among some 500 billion galaxies. And they know that this knowledge is all relative anyway and doesn't really mean much in terms of quality of life/existence. So the point is we are all different. But the chances of "us" being the pinnacle of evolution are probably less than 1 to the number of grains of sand on the planet. And even those odds are mighty generous in "our" favour. I suggest we all care for each other more (and that includes other species too)

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
1 point

Arrogant, you would have to be to even think of this question. i must have SUPER Arrogany, but hey!!, we are what we are, a progressive mind and all!!. (you see arrogance)

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
0 points

Definition of 'pinnacle':

1.)(architecture) a slender upright spire at the top of a buttress of tower

2.)surmount with a pinnacle "pinnacle a pediment"


3.) the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development; "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist's gifts are at their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "... ...

4.) a lofty peak

1.) As humans are not buildings it makes no sense to use that definition.

2.)Not usable.

3.) Evolution drives 'forward' (read as 'in the direction of being the best able to procreate'), generations go on and on each somewhat better suited for the environment, so it stands to say that the only 'pinnacle' of evolution is the lifeform that doesn't have to change throughout any environment presented. Which humans are not, as we are not suited to every environment that is available to us.

4.) Hmm... humans don't make any physical peak that I know of. Which is what is being refereed to here.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
honie(103) Disputed
1 point

I didn't ask for a definition of pinnacle, but thanks anyways.

In case the question was a little too complicated for you, I will put it into easier terms for you to better understand;

"Is it arrogant to assume that homo sapiens are the highest form of evolution?"

Is it clear now?

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
0 points

I've given these stats before, but they're pretty cool to consider:

Number of grains of sand on every beach on earth = apx 10^19

Number of stars in the known Universe = apx 10^22

That's the number ten with the corresponding number of zeros following. That is an incredible number of stars.

We as a species are only a couple hundred thousand years old, which is the blink of an eye on a Universal scale.

It is silly, illogical, and completely ignoring reality to even consider some species somewhere has not outlived us and developed to a far greater degree both in knowledge and physically to suit their environment, than we have.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle
0 points

We're still evolving. We could become extinct and another animal could evolve, most likely another primate and become the temporary pinnacle.

Side: No, we're not the pinnacle