
Debate Info

fair racist
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:32
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 fair (13)
 racist (6)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

dark horse definition (


Side Score: 18


Side Score: 6
2 points

I don't think he's a dark horse, but I don't think calling him that is racist. Oh, and about your other question, if you're an oreo, like me, it depends on what your father is. If your father is black, and your mom white, you are legally considered black. If dad is white, and mom is black, you're legally considered white. In my case, i'm legally a nigga.

Side: fair

Hey my brotha! How's it hanging? Low and to the left or half mast and to the right ;)

Side: fair

I only created this debate to see how it affects my points in the contest update page. It doesn't seem to update in "real time" or maybe someone has to vote for my arguments (gasps)! If so, I hope down votes count ;)

I also created this debate because of the pun..... dark horse..... Obama is dark skinned..... get it? ;)

BTW, is Obama a black man with one white parent or a white man with one black parent? Oh hell, just call him a brownie ;) kidding!!! Don't call me a racist or I'll have to play my race card to get out of this one ;)

Oh, and here's another thing... how much longer before they add "Obama" to the dictionary? It's a sad state when the spell check of a political site doesn't know "Obama" from a hole in the ground. OMG! Could you imagine if Obama were to get blowed [sic] up? I would have to come back here and apologize for bitching about the spell check no being able to tell the difference between Obama and a hole in the ground! God I'm sick! Mental note: discuss my sickness with my therapist.

You guys ever notice how my debates meander and sort of go nowhere ;) Hey, at least I'm not writing this crap on your debate!

Side: fair

Haha, Joe. I don't think you have to worry about the contest. Also I agree with the Obama dictionary thing. I use google chrome and it tells me if I spelled a word wrong and Obama is always in red. It's annoying!

Side: fair

Maybe the dictionary thinks, "He must mean McCain!"

Side: fair
1 point

it is fair because he did come out of nowhere.

it's as racist as using the term black hole.

Side: fair
1 point

It would've been racist to say he was a "white, black, and arabic horse". Not a dark horse.

Side: fair

What if we were to say that in spite of what you just said, he's not hung like a horse? Although.... the girls where having fun with this one...

Side: fair

He's about as dark of a horse as you are in your quest for the book contest!

Side: racist

there is absoluetly no point of saying that and plus many ppl will take it offensive y not just forgot color of skin and concentrate on a good leader instead? just my poin of this argument

Side: racist
Inkwell(328) Disputed
1 point

because if color and party were left out, no one would vote for a radical socialist like Obama.

Side: fair

HeHeHe, that's bound to piss someone off ;) one up vote.

Side: fair
0 points

Obama is not a radical socialist. Doctors will still make way more money then waiters and big corporations will still make billions under Obama's plan. If he was a radical socialist he would want to increase taxes on the wealthy to something like 90%. This is not the case.

If you want a radical socialist, how about the nominee for the socialist party, Brian Moore.

If you want to see what Obama actually wants to do see the link (I'll give you a hint, it doesn't say anything about socialism)

Supporting Evidence: McCain vs. Obama tax plan (
Side: racist

It's not racist but it's not fair to call Obama a dark horse candidate either because to say that implies that the Democrats pulled Obama out of their ass at the last minute and I think that a lot of thought went into picking Obama. Besides, to say that they pulled Obama out their ass stinks of color crap since Obama is kinda [sic] brown....ish. :)

Hey, isn't the Democrat mascot an ass? Well that explains a lot. Maybe they did pull him out of their ass! ;)

Disclaimer: I have a tendency to take a joke too far. This may be one of those times, I don't know because I can't tell, which is why I tend to take it too far. If I could tell, I would restrain myself. Normally I ask my wife but she's asleep right now, which seems to coincide with those times I get myself into trouble. Do smileys help ease the pain?

Oh, BTW,

Side: racist
1 point

Hey, what happens when I sober up and realize that I shouldn't have written that? How do I delete it?

Side: fair
-1 points

Obama just called me. He said for me to kiss the Democrat's black ass. I thought the Democrat's ass was brown with a little white on the face, near the nose? Wait...., do you think he was talking about the Democrat's mascot?

Side: fair
1 point

OK, some one else wrote that under my name. I don't know how this could have happened. Wait.... this sounds familiar... ;)

Side: fair