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Debate Score:9
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GuitarGuy(6096) pic

Is it immoral to keep animals in zoos?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 6
1 point

they should live in their natural habitats ......whenever you go to the zoos you see the animals getting bored and doing nothing .

Side: Yes
1 point

Yeah, it is kind of a sad site. I think putting animals that would have a tough time out in the wild (injuries, etc.) in zoos is okay. I don't like seeing them confined to such small spaces though.

Side: Yes
1 point

A wast habitat is good for animals. A big money income for caging these animals for other families to come and see is good for humans. And humans create the morals for their benefit. Sure you're right but what's in it for you? Most animals would attack you in the wild.

Side: No
1 point

I'm conflicted with this subject but I'll go with this side as some zoo's can treat animals,not to the full potential and not really care about the species but more about the money involved. But it is also a sort of sanctuary for nearly extinct animals and a way to keep them alive although I do think that's they's be better off in a dedicated sanctuary, either way I think it's better to just leave wild animals in the wild where they belong.

Side: Yes
2 points

It's widely accepted therefore it is moral... That's how morals work right?

Side: No
2 points

It's only immoral if you don't masturbate over their mating.

Side: No

It's moral to keep animals in the Zoo, butchery would be immoral. Especially when the Zoo animals would be used for it, and there isn't anything wrong about eating exotic animals like snake, lion etc. Just saying. - Zoo animals probably get used to such life. And they get the care needed, believe me they do. Not all Zoos divide the values between live animals and cash income. Zoo is an attraction for humans, and the amusement comes for a price obviously. And there are special organisation's which fight against animal cruelty and they sure do visit Zoos. There is nothing to worry about concerning registered Zoos. - I cant tell anything about rooster and dog fights, but that's a different more brutal attraction. This is where your need to feel bad for the animals.

Side: No