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Of course! Nope!
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:28
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 Of course! (10)
 Nope! (14)

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Sinknight(518) pic

Is it mean to call a woman ugly?


It doesn't matter if you find Megan Fox ugly and Rosie O'Donell sexy, this debate appeals to what you see as ugly and what would you do.

In the case you find a extremely unattractive female and she asks you for your HONEST opinion on her looks, would you lie and say she looks fine or be honest and tell her straight up how ugly she looks.

Of course!

Side Score: 10


Side Score: 18
1 point

A woman's vanity in looks is a man's vanity in strength.

They need it complimented even if they completely lack it (I am skinny and weak so I would know).

Side: Of course!
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Nah, I bet you are sexy. ;)

Side: Nope!
Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

I am not looking for sympathy.

Side: Of course!

Well ugly is a word used negatively. So I'd say yes, calling a woman ugly, is bad no matter what. That doesn't mean she isn't and it doesn't mean she doesn't deserve to be called it, but to say it is mean.

I personally would go about telling her that her looks isn't her strong suit and I'd pump up what is.

In fact, ladies, if a guy has ever said something like "you have a big heart", or "you're a beautiful person" he most likely thinks your ugly but doesn't want to upset you. If he does say it though, you're still a valued person in his life, so don't get upset now that you know.

Side: Of course!

Even if a girl was a bitch I am a shy person so I wouldn't be able to call her ugly still. If she was an ass she wouldn't be asking me if she's ugly and if we were in an argument, I'd attack her other weak points, like maybe work ethic, or relation ship status.

Side: Of course!

I use to believe that people are entitled to their opinions. But sometimes, opinions like how you find someone ugly shouldn't be said in my opinion. You may find someone ugly but the pain that the word brings feel so unnecessary. How would you like it if someone called you ugly? It would probably hurt.

Side: Of course!
3 points

Nah... I'd just tell her she is attractively challenged.

Side: Nope!
2 points

What is a women?

Side: Nope!
1 point

Is that better ?

Side: Nope!
1 point

I was just being a dick sorry buddy ahaha.

Side: Nope!
1 point

Coming from this woman's perspective, no. Because I prefer the truth. And I can find someone who does think I'm beautiful inside and out who will honestly make me feel good about myself.

Side: Nope!
1 point

I know, right? :)

Side: Nope!