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con pro
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 con (4)
 pro (2)

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GuldanaNur(9) pic

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Is it right to ban a burqua in France?


Side Score: 6
Winning Side!


Side Score: 2

Some of those women are really ugly and they need to be covered up to protect the rest of us ;)

Side: con
2 points

No one has the right to force others to wear clothes (or not wear them), the decision is that of the individual in question and not the state's.

Side: con
1 point

Yes it is right to ban burqua in France,just like it is banned for non-muslim woman to be without burqua in Saudi Arabia.....


Side: pro
1 point

It's the same as the Muslims banning alcohol in their countries.

Side: pro
1 point

If the muslims ban alcohol in their countries we have a right to ban burquas? We are a culture that has banned almost all other narcotics exept for alcohol and tobacco. Who are we to imply our financially and culturally biased values to their law? How are we any more right to ban extacy than they are to ban alcohol?

Side: con
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

It would be the same as banning, say wearing crucifixes, in a Muslim state, which many do. Not alcohol though. I mean, we ban all kinds of drugs ourselves, who are we to say some other country shouldn't be allowed to ban a drug?

Side: con