
Debate Info

Social Justice Incestaphobia
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Incestaphobia (2)

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Mingodalia(203) pic

Is it wrong to marry your child or parent?

Social Justice

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Side Score: 2
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Gene pools make us look really fugly.......................................

Side: Incestaphobia

Yes. Incest can be attractive to people from a genealogy perspective. Instead of the normal 50% of your traits which you'd expect your child to get from procreating with a stranger, your child would get 75% of your traits from mating with a sibling. Eventually, this can lead to what we can classify as cloning, however, it carries harmful side-effects. For one, incest increases the chance that two recessive alleles will conjoin, leading to issues during child development which will inevitably hinder the child's health.

Sources: pop-psych/201401/what-makes-incest-morally-wrong

Side: Incestaphobia