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Debate Score:21
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Sitara(11075) pic

Is my statement bigoted? Why or why not?

This is an experiement.

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1 point

I'm sure I've seen that statement used by someone else about Islam, I believed it to be bigoted and false then and I believe the same about the context you've used it in. Whilst it may be true about some it is not true about everyone in that group so in my view should not be applied to the group as a whole

0 points

They can only escalate until either atheism dies or the atheists die. But as long as there are atheists, there will be war. Their lack of religion literally dictates they must fight until atheism rules the world.

2 points

It's stereotyping, it's short sighted, and it's incorrect. That's making the assumption that atheists insist on others being atheist. I personally am probably closer to agnostic than atheism but atheists I know think it's great that other people have religion, up to the point that they condemn those who don't share their beliefs. That statement also implies that atheists are the only thing responsible for starting wars and violence, which is glaringly wrong, as proven by the crusades, the IRA, the Ku Klux Klan, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Catholic Inquistion, the wars in Palestine/Israel...

1 point

I agree. I am making the same point with a different method. .

Stryker(849) Disputed
1 point

Well that's just fucking retarded.

1 point

I agree. Look at the description of this debate. I am calling attention to the bigotry of sterotyping. I would defend to the death my atheist grandpa's right to freedom of belief.

1 point

It might be true, although it goes for religion too. That shouldn't be meant for only atheists.. that should be meant for every human group on this planet. Everyone thinks they're right.

1 point

My point exactly. The purpose of my experiment is to prove that it it wholly bigoted and wrong to stereotype. i do not at all think this and support freedom of belief for everyone. :)

Atrag(5666) Disputed Banned
1 point

Why not but this in the debate description? No one is going to see it right here at the bottom of the page are they?