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Obama really is Kenyan. It is beyond crazy!!!
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 It is beyond crazy!!! (3)

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CR643(22) pic

Is the "Birther Movement" in the United States legitimate?

The "Birther Movement" challenges the legitimacy of the President of the United States by saying that he is from Kenya, therefore not a legitimate president. 




Obama really is Kenyan.

Side Score: 0

It is beyond crazy!!!

Side Score: 5
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3 points

The birther movement is just another conspiracy theory, promoted by sore losers and bigots. They have no evidence to support their accusations and instead rely entirely upon insisting that there is lack of evidence for Obama's birth.

Side: It is beyond crazy!!!

Realizing how many things people have to go through by running for president, I do not believe he would have made it this far if he actually was from Kenya. I'm pretty sure someone would have found out by now.

Side: It is beyond crazy!!!

It is now 2015, yet, there are some crazies who still hold on to this Birther movement. Ridiculous!

Side: It is beyond crazy!!!