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Reward Points:22
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

This one is a short one "WU" you can find it on youtube... It's French, its also extremely hilarious!

1 point

"Cidade de Deus" is an AWESOME film! It is definately worth anybody's time.

1 point

I think there should be a bit more regulation. Especially to prevent guns getting into the hands of gang members and stuff like that. In LA there are too many gang members with guns, and as a result more murders. Guns should be only kept for protection only. Guns are really fun, yes, I agree. Guns are needed for protection, and there's no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

1 point

The Bible is a religious book, not a math or science book. Nowhere in the Bible does it say 245+2=247 nor that mushrooms are a fungus. The writers of the Bible wrote only about what they knew. It's like Bush when he invaded Iraq, he only worked on what he knew at the time. Don't forget that much of the Bible is written in metaphors. Almost all the writers of the Bible knew little of science, except for maybe Luke, because he was a doctor. Even then, his knowledge of science was very limited... People have trouble thinking like this, I doubt I'll change any minds, but thats my input.

4 points

I wouldn't want to be an a-hole and scare them in their last few moments of life. That would really suck.

1 point

They find offense to it because they feel it only has one meaning, if they were informed to any other meanings then they might not take as much offense. That's what makes them un-informed. If they knew it had another meaning and still took offense to it, then yeah, they might be ignorant.

2 points

Either socialism or fascism. Socialism because people are tired of being taken advantage of by corporations. Or fascism because some are extremely ignorant to the fact that they are being taken advantage of. I would honestly prefer socialism.

1 point

I wouldn't say that the people who get offended by your picture are ignorant, just un-informed. It's probably ignorant to say that un-informed person is ignorant.

1 point

Many deserve to be called out on their lies (especially), corruption, and influence by corporations trying to get richer. I wouldn't save them because they must face what they've brought onto themselves. That's why people need to wise up to these facts, then call the politicians out on it.

1 point

I'm not gonna say he was a puppet, he was a really strong president... But I cannot agree with his de-regulation of the banks, maybe in that way, he was a puppet of the banks. His de-regulations started us on the way to financial prosperity (for only the already wealthy) and then to the financial disparity (for those who weren't wealthy). Once when he opened the stock exchange, he was talking about Merril Lynch whose logo is a bull. He said "It is time to let the bull loose!" He was right, the bull was let loose and it bucked so much that it led us on the way to eventual financial ruin.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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