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 Is there evidence for God? (27)

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Doherty95(299) pic

Is there evidence for God?

Some religious people claim that the have evidence for God, I have never heard any evidence for a God and was wanted to hear this evidence they say they have and let others have the chance to respond to the arguments.

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3 points

You do realize that this question has been asked a million times that people are already sick of it, right?

The better question is, Is there a need for a God?

Doherty95(299) Disputed
1 point

It may have been asked a million times, but people still claim they have evidence for a God and they never produce it, you thought they would of with a million chances to do so.

Centifolia(1319) Disputed
1 point

It depends on which angle you look and how honest your judgement is.

So many cases of miracles and return from death experiences has been reported but science disproves it as mere chances (or side effects of drugs)

So many chapters in every holy books has been debunked as ridiculous and caused fundies to slaughter those who are a threat to their belief.

You may say anything you want. It doesnt matter, it all falls to the single answer

Insanity is when you do the same thing while expecting different results. By asking this question once more, you just prove that mankind was created under the image of the Lord - a stupid one

Well I like to say "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence". That's just my theory.

Doherty95(299) Disputed
2 points

It is if there is no evidence where you would expect to find it. Also even if that was the case you wouldn't be justified in believing that a God exists, you should suspend belief at least if that was the case.

I think that Bertrand Russell's teapot analogy sums this up.If I was to say that there was a teapot in orbit around the sun between Mars and Jupiter, but it was just to small to be detected by our telescopes, would you conclude the teapot is there, suspend belief or say that there is no teapot?

1 point

Yeah I mean there is a golf ball in the moons orbit. Or it may have went away but we would detect it. It wouldn't be discoverable by telescopes but by shooting different signals towards it we can easily see it. The same way we see the wrench that orbits our earth. We cant see it with a telescope but different signals easily pick it up. I'm an astronomer so I do know this stuff. I just say this theory because you can't really prove it false.

Lynaldea(1231) Disputed
-1 points

What exactly is your point with the teapot analogy?

Anyways, it's been pretty obvious that there is no "physical evidence of god", that is, not one person whom believes can grab their god(s) from the "sky/heavens/whatever" and bring him right in front of you for you to touch, to see, [ECT]. That is impossible as we know it.

So the age old question "Is there evidence for God?", the answer is yes (to those whom believe) there is evidence, in "miracles", or "guardian angels", or "demonic possession" (if there is that side, there must be the other sort of thing), in "divine feelings/emotion", in "testimonials on how their god(s) has 'helped' their lives", in "the way a person carries themselves", in "nature/the beauty of nature and its 'complexity'', in "the beauty of the universe and all its wonders", in "the unknown" (that is, since there will always be the 'unknown'/that which cannot be explained, there is room for god(s) to exist(s), in "numbers", in "music", in "the fact that we're alive in the first place. These are but the tip of the iceberg and simultaneously some reasons/evidences for certain people that do believe in God(s). These evidences also justify/are enough for many believe to believe in god(s).

And so therefore, when these are brought up, an atheist, or others, will states "that is not evidence, how am I supposed to take your word for it?/your feelings are not evidence of god/[ECT]"...

So the non-believers will continue to state that those whom do believe are crazy/insane/illogical/nonsensical, [ECT] until they themselves "feel those things", or "find their god(s), whichever way possible", or until they physically see this GOD many MANY people have been talking about for many many years.

2 points

No. Zero legitimate physical, scientific, historical, or anthropological evidence exists. Only bullshit psudo science or "what if" suggestion type evidence which doesn't prove anything

1 point

Some of me agrees there is and some of me disagrees. I agree because i busted my liver open in 2008 and lost 2 pints of blood. The doctors said it would take 6 weeks to heal. It took 2 weeks. 2!!! But i have people come up to me and ask me who created God and i dont have an answer for that. That's what got me to question it. My dad is a pastor so people ask me stuff like that and i ask him. He said "God created himself". I dont believe that.

Some believers will say their own belief is the evidence. They will argue with anyone who doubts them.

0 points

This is an interesting website that uses a type of logic.

Take it or leave it:

2 points

looks like some like someone tried it and didn't the the truth.

2 points

Wow 2 DV people really don't like the truth.

Doherty95(299) Disputed
3 points

I wouldn't call that logic for Gods existence at all because the conclusion does not follow from the questions, it just asserts that we could not prove anything without him. Also you only have two responses which a lot of people would not use as answers to these questions because they are chosen specially for the purpose and not because they are responses that people would give to these questions.

If this is the standard of evidence you require, you must accept everything someone tells you.

2 points

Their "logic" is filled with logical fallacies. Just by going through a couple of different paths on it I found these logical fallacies.


Burden of Proof

Special Pleading

Black or White

casper3912(1581) Clarified
1 point

So god is logic ?

kozlov(1754) Clarified
1 point

According to this, you can use logic to prove God's existence. It has a few issues, but the theory is interesting.