
Debate Info

This is a simulation. It doesn't matter.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 This is a simulation. (1)
 It doesn't matter. (3)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Is this real life or a simulation?

Philosophers and physicists say we might be living in a computer simulation, but how can we tell?

Maybe we are in a computer simulation, and the reality we experience is just part of the program.

Is there a way to know whether we live a simulated life or not?

If we live in a simulation, the thinking goes, we might be able to use experiments to detect these assumptions.

Have you noticed that all the phone booths are disappearing?

They are making it harder for us to jack out of the Matrix!!!

There's the smoking gun that our lives are just an illusion.


This is a simulation.

Side Score: 1

It doesn't matter.

Side Score: 4
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Simulation or not, it's all we got. I take whatever I can I get ;)

Side: It doesn't matter.

For me it is like with God or even the flying spaghetti monster or Russel's teapot. You can not prove it untrue, but it is so far fetched you don't even need to, you just no that there is no rational way it could be true.

Side: It doesn't matter.

Anybody who believes that life is some sort of computer simulation must be so uneducated. Like seriously, it's almost as bad as people who say the moon landing never happened.

Side: It doesn't matter.
hulkster(3) Disputed
1 point

Too bad we cannot send you to the moon, it would increase the average IQ for the rest of planet Earth. idiotobx would be a sorry excuse even for a Neanderthal.

Side: This is a simulation.