
Debate Info

Well, Yeah. Nope, NEVEH!!
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:21
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 Well, Yeah. (9)
 Nope, NEVEH!! (7)

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StonerBunny(86) pic

Is torture ever acceptable?

Well, Yeah.

Side Score: 9

Nope, NEVEH!!

Side Score: 11

Torture helps save lives.

When you torture somebody, they tell you info and you verify the info and if it's fake then you torture them some more until they give you the info you are looking for.

Side: Well, Yeah.
2 points

This is one of the most misinformed statements that I have ever read on this site. Torture doesn't save lives. It destroys lives.

Side: Nope, NEVEH!!
trumpeter93(998) Disputed
1 point

You misunderstood me. I meant it saves American lives and it destroys the enemies lives.

Side: Well, Yeah.
zombee(1014) Disputed
2 points

When you torture someone, they will say absolutely anything they can think of to get you to stop torturing them, no matter how many times they have to lie.

Side: Nope, NEVEH!!
trumpeter93(998) Disputed
1 point

If they keep lying then they will keep getting tortured. They eventually realize that if they tell the truth the pain will stop.

Side: Well, Yeah.
1 point

It is acceptable under the circumstances when the lives of many innocent people are at stake. Also the intent of the torture must be to get information to ensure the safety of many, and not for self-gratification.

Side: Dependssssss
3 points

Torture is against the betterment of a morally superior society. If one nation were to claim moral or civilized superiority, only later to discovered to torturing prisoners, that country would logically lose (some of) its standing in the international world. In the increasingly globalized world, it is necessary to stay on good terms with most of the world.

Additionally, numerous scientific reports have corroborated that torture doesn't provide more or higher quality information than normal (non-torture) interrogation techniques.

However, I know the reply (if any) to this post will question me with a moral paradox (maybe there's a hundred people around a potential bomb and we can only torture the bomber to disarm the bomb). I must stop that person there and just say that we attempt multiple angles at once, but do not torture the suspect. We interrogate them in the normal (if stressed) level, meanwhile evacuating the area or containing the bomb.

Supporting Evidence: The economist on Torture (
Side: Nope, NEVEH!!
Kinda(1649) Disputed
1 point

Torture is against the betterment of a morally superior society.

I 100% agree with you there.

But I disputed you because we live in nations that are the least morally superior societies.

Side: Well, Yeah.
1 point

This is true. I should have said 'allegedly' or 'believed'. However, we must better ourselves so perhaps we can take the high ground.

Side: Well, Yeah.
1 point

torture is so not acceptable! it is true that when you torture someone he/she will say anything that will get them to be reliefed and even when it is false! you would be torturing someone without knowing whether it is in vein or not! thus it would make you the bad guy! even when it is the correct person you are torturing it will still be meaningless so why bother and waste your time cause in both cases you will be not benefiting....anyway torture is morally and ethically unacceptable

Side: Nope, NEVEH!!

Torture is evil and inhumane. It should be abolished everywhere and the United Nations should demand its abolishment.

Side: Nope, NEVEH!!