
Debate Info

Priviledge Right
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Priviledge (1)
 Right (5)

Debate Creator

sayyad99(773) pic

Is voting a privilege and not a right?

Guys simple question, i doubt any explanation is needed so you know what to do :)


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 5

Voting is a privilege. No one should be forced to vote. Voting must remain non-compulsory.

Side: Priviledge
1 point

I think privileges are things like driving, where one would need a license and to pass a test. Voting I think is in line with a freedom, like say, not being locked in a jail cell. One has a right to not be locked in a jail cell or to vote given they have not broken some law.

Depends on the definition one wants to use though.

Side: Right

I do agree that voting is definitely a right regardless of circumstance.

Side: Right
1 point

What's the difference, you can have them both taken away and granted?

Side: Right

This is true, what government can give, it can take it away.

Side: Right

It is a right according to the Constitution. *

Side: Right