
Debate Info

No, it just isnt avoidable Yes, we live in a utopia
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 No, it just isnt avoidable (9)
 Yes, we live in a utopia (5)

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Sleepstomuch(10) pic

Is war inevitable ?

I am a american and I have noticed that war is being associated with evil in my country. Another viewpoint is that war creates more war and engaging in it causes the cycle to repeat itself. I believe that the anti-war viewpoint makes a nation weak, for instance in america we are being terrorized and bullied by this ISIS group and still we have not wiped them out despite having the full capability to do so. If we go to war or not either way we are going to loose, the question is what choice has the most desirable result. If we go to war yes innocents will die but if we do not the enemy will continue killing our people and making us look like cowards. Not to mention they will continue building up there forces and if they get big enough MANY more will die then if we killed them off when they were small. As much as I would love to live in a war-free society it just is not possible, tell me what you think.

No, it just isnt avoidable

Side Score: 9

Yes, we live in a utopia

Side Score: 5
1 point

War will happen no matter what. And with the growth of technology, war becomes more devastating. War...War is something that will always happen. Like crappy Video game movies.

Side: No, it just isnt avoidable
1 point

Although there is violence in nature ,ants and humans are the only creatures known to associate with it.

And to start my argument I believe that war does not have any place in human civilization.

Although we associate war with the previous few centuries, there were socities that never participated in war or witnessed very little war

.war then was fought due to cultural disparities which could have been easily avoided by discussion. This 'discussion'is held in the present times between countries in the form of international conventions.

Therefore I believe that war is caused due to division between society and hence it is avoidable.

Coming to ISIS the group emerged from an extremist faction originally founded in 1999 that started to gain traction after the 2003 Iraqi invasion led by the U.S.

It uses the ideals of Islam to justify its actions.

And is an example of war due to cultural disparities. The ISIS wages a religious war on all religions except Islam and hence proves how simple peacefull concept like religion can cause a war.hence war is wages due to cultural differences and is not in the nature of human beings.

Supporting Evidence: More info why ISIS came into being (
Side: No, it just isnt avoidable
Sleepstomuch(10) Disputed
1 point

As far as the societies that never witnessed war although this may be true I am mainly referring to the large societies of today. Its easy for a small society to hide in the forest somewhere, however, large societies like the USA are to large to hide under a bush and therefore are forced into the worlds problems despite any desire to be apart from it. As far as discussion goes I just do not see that as being a valid solution to war because there will always be societies that will not reason with other societies, rendering discussion pointless. I do not understand were your last statement came from either because culture is as human as human gets. In my opinion war IS in the nature of human being because you simply cant separate humans from their cultural differences.

Side: No, it just isnt avoidable
shaash(434) Disputed
1 point

War isn't the answer. I believe people have the capability of avoiding it. War makes things worse, except if it is justified REALLY REALLY well.

ISIS is evil, but bombing innocents to get them will just make them stronger. The innocents have families too, and want what is best for them. They don't want to sacrifice their life so a few radicals can be killed. If the find out this is the case, they will become radicalized and join ISIS.

Side: Yes, we live in a utopia
1 point

There will be wars. Until Jesus Christ rules the world from Mt. Zion, there will be wars.

Side: No, it just isnt avoidable
Mariel33(456) Clarified
1 point

What if the production of Halloween 5 were given to everyone on Earth? Surely this would prevent all means to violence.

Side: No, it just isnt avoidable
1 point

Anything I post is a contradiction; whatever I write or express here about war can be said to the planets seven billion other life forms.

War is avoidable, but at a vast price. The same price that would be required for categorization to be cancelled (squatter, striker, deserter). Because of the truth of uniformity, life forms are inhibited from communicating to one another - the same contradiction that I referenced above applying to myself applies to everyone else (so you could say that reality itself is a reaction to contradiction).

How does war get stopped.. simple, Barack Obama just needs to give an address to hundreds and hundreds of millions of people (and the rest of the world could watch the same speech, via transmission), referencing the exact same truth just spoken of: the individual person is unable to represent reality to just any other person, because to do so is contradiction.

Side: Yes, we live in a utopia
Sleepstomuch(10) Disputed
1 point

I understand where your coming from that there is no one person who fully relates with another person. This I find to be true however people do have similar mindsets about the role of government for instance in the form of capitalism, socialism and so on. The same goes for the moral standing of a group of people, just because none of us agree with each other 100% dose not mean we shouldn't come together to empower the actions we find the most righteous. Your answer to my question seems to be that accepting the fact we are all different and contradictory at nature is the solution to stopping war. Maybe I miss-understood you but if I herd you correctly then how is this going to change anything? Just because everyone knows their different dose not mean they wont kill all who oppose their moral standing (ISIS for example).

Side: No, it just isnt avoidable
Mariel33(456) Clarified
1 point

When I spoke about contradiction, I wasn't referring to people being contradictory - it was the principle that just any random person won't know who to address themselves to, as they're aware that anything they can say can be imitated seven billion times.

Nothing is meant to be imitated seven billion times, therefore how is what's meant to be said meant to be said?

War is because life forms don't behave; the life forms that visit and use CreateDebate are identical to all life forms that don't use it, yet despite the former camp's awareness of being identical to the latter and the latter's awareness of being identical to the former, mutual acknowledgement of that symmetry doesn't take place.

The current contestants of the UK programme Celebrity Big Brother are only because of CreateDebate, and the people who use CreateDebate are only because of those contestants - yet where's the acknowledgment?

If life forms aren't going to distribute reality to one another, then I'm afraid war and the existence of groups such as ISIS only makes rational sense.

Do you agree with any of that?

Side: No, it just isnt avoidable
1 point

Well, in many respects we are in the middle of an undeclared war. The western governments are keen that I.S.I.S is defeated by the armed forces of the Muslim states of the affected countries, mainly the Middle East. Western troops strutting around in ''Rambo'' type patrols in Muslim countries can have a counter productive impact by causing local resentment thus assisting I.S.I.S, recruitment.This strategy is slow to work but we have learnt from past experience that such organizations like I.S.I.S, must be defeated by the forces in the countries which they're trying to dominate. Yes, western forces could drive the filth out of their strong holds, but just like the weeds in the garden, they will start returning once we've stopped zapping them and have withdrawn. The other problem with deploying troops to these Muslim hell holes is that the local forces become so reliant on our military ability that they become ineffective as independent fighting forces when left to defend themselves unaided.

Side: Yes, we live in a utopia
Sleepstomuch(10) Disputed
1 point

Well in my opinion the problem is that we are not making any solid decisions. We should do one of two things, either let them fight their own war and give them ZERO assistance or we should go in there and wipe them out all in one heavy hit. What we are currently doing is helping their neighboring countries but only helping them a little bit. Doing this is causing them to believe that they have actually got a fighting chance. Essentially what i am saying is Americas indecisiveness is causing the enemy to grow not just physically but mentally. We need to make a decision and we need to act upon it swiftly and powerfully.

Side: No, it just isnt avoidable
Antrim(1287) Disputed
1 point

Military force will never defeat an ideology, especially when it's pursued by fanatical psychopaths who use the teachings of their religion to justify their barbaric atrocities. American military might was at it's zenith around the time of the Vietnam war and despite billions of $ and the best soldiers and military hardware in the world the belief in communism as an ideology give our enemies the strength and resilience to avoid defeat. As soon as we pulled our troops out the Vietcong overran the country. Communism is an oppressive and inhumane political doctrine and the people who suffered under totalitarianism have rejected it in favour of democracy and freedom for the individual. The presence of the allied forces in Vietnam only served to provide a catalyst for the communist regime to fight against and use the imperialist Yankee Empire as propaganda. The Muslim people must be the ones who defeat the cancer of I.S.I.S. Maybe it will get worse before it gets better but helping the Muslim nations to eliminate the filth will result in a permanent and sustainable victory. Our priority at home must be to recognize the awful danger involved in permitting Muslim immigrants to flood into the country.

Side: Yes, we live in a utopia
1 point

No, I am afraid we do not live in a Utopia.

However, War IS not inevitable.

Oh, due to some traits of aggression that we have obtained through the process of Evolution, I believe us homo sapiens will always occasionallydisplay acts of violence. The stronger will always have a propensity to try and control and oppress the weak.

We did not get here by being pacifists! Us homo sapiens sapiens are the last surviving sub-species out of some 27 varieties of the genus homo. Out of ALL the flora and fauna that have ever lived on this planet, a full 99% have become extinct.

But, while aggression and occasionaly violence among individuals is for the most part inevitable, full-scale War is not.

We can--and have--learned from our mistakes. That's right, I said we HAVE learned!. (For those who doubt me, please check out my provided link.)

Contrary to popular belief the world is actually a far safer and less violent place, right NOW, than it ever has been in history. We also provide on a global scale more humanitarian efforts and charity and peace-keeping endeavors than ever before.

The vast majority of these are through governments or the private and Secular entities. This is why we do not need false beliefs in gods, or superstitions like religion. The latter of which has actually killed hundreds of millions.

Side: Yes, we live in a utopia
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point


Side: No, it just isnt avoidable
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You think religious wars have been bad, you have seen nothing yet. World War III is coming, and it may or may not be the Battle of Armageddon which will be far worst than WWIII if it comes after WWIII.

China and Russia (atheistic communists who hate each other and hate the USA) are making their alliances with the Muslim nations who are divided mainly as Shiite and Sunni. They expect there Muslim Messiah to return after they cause a world wide blood bath. Iran thinks Israel is the main obstacle to the return of the Makhdi or whatever they call their Messiah, and they will push for Israel's destruction more and more. All of the nations of the world will fight against Israel. The Communists led by Russia and China will play the Muslims as pawns, using them to trigger the guns as they move to kill each other.

The Muslims will lead the charge thinking a worldwide bloodbath will bring their Messiah to force the whole world to be Islamic, and Russia and China don't care about that, as atheists with the most power they will simply fight whoever while whoever fights each other in their drive to take over the world and enforce their own style of oppression by which they think they will end all wars.

The USA is probably going to fall from power soon, and Russia and China expect it and are planning to fill the void, both of them building bases as the US resolve weakens everywhere in the world.

Side: No, it just isnt avoidable
SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

Well I read a while back that Putin is not an atheist but actually an Eastern Orthodox Christian. Which is pretty close to being Catholic. So we cant really try to blame the alleged forthcoming wwlll on godless atheists, now can we? Of course China isnstaunchly atheist. I dont believe there will be an armageddon, or a full scale world war. More likely some sort of terrorist rogue factions will spur any future calamities. I would not be suprised if one of these was Muslim radicals, though.

Side: No, it just isnt avoidable
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

The world is a powder keg set to explode, and Muslims are running around with torches. Only the strength and virtue of the USA has calmed the tides of war, and that strength is fading fast as the virtue becomes meaningless and void through laws allowing things like abortion and sodomy. China and Russia never slowed down in their buildup of arms in preparation for WWII, and the Muslims eagerly push to make it happen. Only the literal physical return of Jesus Christ will stop people from completely destroying each other.

Side: No, it just isnt avoidable