
Debate Info

They'll be fine Their doomed
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 They'll be fine (1)
 Their doomed (6)

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daver(1770) pic

It's All Greek Ta Me

Now that the voters decided to default on their debt and plan to ask for more loans tomorrow, will their bluff work, or are they going to be crying in the streets tomorrow night. 

They'll be fine

Side Score: 1

Their doomed

Side Score: 7
1 point

if the United States did any of the red states what the EU is trying to do to Greece, then many of the southern states would have to try again to make it on their own.

they already have a flag.

Side: They'll be fine
2 points

Better load up on ouzo.... because they're going to need it.

Side: Their doomed
1 point

They have vastly overestimated their importance to the EU. Germany will lead the way to make an example of them for the other EU members who might be considering ways to escape their own financial woes.

Corruption, buying votes with unsustainable promises, and liberal approaches to matters of the economy have doomed them to a kind of austerity that will last for decades.

Side: Their doomed
flewk(1193) Clarified
1 point

Corruption, buying votes with unsustainable promises, and liberal approaches to matters of the economy have doomed them to a kind of austerity that will last for decades.

At least you stopped claiming they were doomed from socialism. Now you just need to figure out the difference between populism and liberalism.

Side: They'll be fine
1 point

I did that just for U. Liberal ideology, thrown onto the mix was enough to bring them down. Now if we could just get some liberal, socialist leaning, communists (claiming to be progressives) into the heart if ISIS --------- then we'd see some "degrade & destroy happen'in.

Side: Their doomed

I'm afraid they're doomed.

Those who dance must pay the fiddler. Maybe not immediately, but that day will come.

Side: Their doomed
1 point

Yes indeed, if anyone is in debt and borrows money, wastes it and the opportunity to engage in reforms then the fiddler is eventually going to come knocking.

It was unfortunate that they didn't let the EU know they were in trouble when they joined so this was an accident waiting to happen

Side: Their doomed

Greece is almost doomed,they're all looking for reforms without actually implementing anything

Side: Their doomed