
Debate Info

Invite a friend Stop being a slacker
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Invite a friend (5)
 Stop being a slacker (4)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17724) pic

It's Pretty Sad when I'm on the Leaderboard with just 35 Points.

Invite a friend

Side Score: 7

Stop being a slacker

Side Score: 7
3 points

Well, yes it is quiet...

Multiple factors have caused this some good some not so good.

1. The holidays...and a very short stretch between the two

2. When you remove all the drama, people come put in their arguments and leave. There is less interaction and less a feeling of community or should I say sides.

3. Many controversial members have been driven from the site

4. I stopped paying for SEO rankings (I couldn't afford it).

5. Lack of change and addition to the fault here. I have been trying to get the site moved over to Amazon Web Services and it has taken way too long. My developer has all but quit since he has no time to work on the site. I have yet to be able to transition it to the new developers.


But never fear. I have more to come! The new year will be a good year.


Side: Invite a friend

I feel that we can make this place hop without bringing back the drama. Maybe some new features might help, and I can retweet you guys on Twitter.

Side: Invite a friend
1 point

I think this is the slowest I've ever seen the site be in my 2.81 years here.

Side: Invite a friend

I checked and you have more points than that. .

Side: Invite a friend
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

I didn't when I posted the debate.

Side: Stop being a slacker
1 point

Oh, okay. Sorry. .

Side: Invite a friend
1 point

Never been on the learderboard. I don't know how you get 100+ points in a week honestly.  

Side: Invite a friend
3 points

Yeah look a me in the fast lane- I go 37.

Pick yourself up, maggot!

Side: Stop being a slacker

I've never been on the leaderboard in almost 4 years. The problem is, I only come here when I step outside for a smoke, and I keep quitting. By the way, I'm quitting again in a couple days, so farewell until I fail again.

Side: Stop being a slacker
1 point

wow that bad I just joined and I have been on top of leaderboard for like a week now

Side: Stop being a slacker