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 It's funny watching the hypocritical Left doing the things they claimed to be against. (2)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

It's funny watching the hypocritical Left doing the things they claimed to be against.

Remember when the so called tolerant Left supposedly hated any form of censorship?

Today, if you dare say anything that is not politically correct at your work place, you will be sued or forced to leave your job!

Today, if you are a State like North Carolina that has the nerve to keep men, who dress up like women, out of the lady's restrooms, your State will be barred from any N.C.A.A championships! YOU MUST FOLLOW THE DICTATES OF BIG BROTHER!

Today, the Left is trying to force EVERY PUBLIC SCHOOL to allow so called Transgender boys into our daughter's bathrooms! You can't make this stuff up! It's too Big Brother to even believe!

Today, if a community wants the freedom to display, or not display, a nativity scene on public land, the Left will sue your community. The freedom of religious expression is no longer tolerated! BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU!

What happened to those on the Left? I guess censorship only bothers them when it has to do with things they like to do.

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You see, if you want to display the most vile disgusting vulgar behavior on TV, the Left will claim that you have the right to do so no matter who might be offended.

But don't you dare display a nativity scene during Christmas!!!!!!!!!!

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The Left will always say.... turn the channel if you don't like the programming.

We would turn the channel were it not for the fact it's even on commercials during sporting events or other family shows!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We could say the same thing and ask you to drive down other streets if seeing a nativity scene so bothers you.