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 It's over for Bernie (10)

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nobodyknows(745) pic

It's over for Bernie

I am getting sick of Bernie supporters acting like he still has a chance. Fivethiryeight and every prediction market has Hillary beating Bernie in all of the upcoming states by a large margin. All I want is one non-extremist candidate and since the republicans can't get behind Kasich I have to settle for Hillary. For the sake of the country, please give up Bernie supporters!
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3 points

You're crazy if you think Hillary isn't an extremist. Hillary winning a bunch of states that she won't win in the general election is a terrible reason to back her.

nobodyknows(745) Disputed
1 point

Extremist is a relative term. To a soviet communist or right wing fascist I'm sure she is the most extremely center candidate you've ever seen. But for this election, in this country, she is moderate. She is Obama 2.0 and that is as moderate as it gets. I don't back her because she has won some states, I back her because she is the only moderate with a chance of winning. Kasich is my only other choice and that's a long shot at best.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

She isn't a moderate. She only cares about big business and doesn't care about what the law says. She will only bring about massive spending.

Like I always say !

Bernie is to good.

Trump is to bad.

Hillary is a perfect mix of the two.