
Debate Info

Jesus. Organized religion.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Jesus. (3)
 Organized religion. (2)

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Redeemed(1428) pic

Jesus versus organized religion?



Side Score: 5

Organized religion.

Side Score: 3
1 point

The Jesus preached from liberal pulpits is not Jesus at all. They are the preachers preaching to them what they want to hear.

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

-2 Timothy 4:3

Side: Jesus.
Redeemed(1428) Disputed
2 points

This debate is about Jesus versus organized religion. If you don't stop posting about politics, I will ban, you. Thanks.

Side: Organized religion.

This debate is about Jesus versus organized religion. If you don't stop posting about politics, I will ban, you. Thanks.

Well said sugar drop.

Bronto is an extremist neo-Nazi moron who will attempt to politicise literally anything.

Side: Organized religion.
1 point

Jesus would be good without organized religion. That would make his worship a more personal thing. Like politics, getting the money out of the religion would improve IT. Then again, without the money it wouldn't be able to do the good it does. The money that should be "gotten rid of" is that money that allows these televangelists, etc. to live like Kings! I think, allegedly, Jesus said quite a lot about THAT subject.

To ME, it's the "salesmen" of organized religion that are the problem. If everybody followed their religion quietly, be it Christian, Islam or Judaism, Christ! That would be nice.

Side: Jesus.
2 points

I agree. I trust Jesus, but Christians, can kiss my ass.........................................................................................................................

Side: Jesus.
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