
Debate Info

Debate Score:16
Total Votes:27
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 Joke contest. (11)

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Sitar(3680) pic

Joke contest.

What do you call a prostitute with a knee injury? Whore knee (horny). Did you hear about the gay couple that went into construction? Their names were Ben Dover and Phil McCrackin. What do you  call a smart  marijuana plant? Budweiser (bud wiser). What did the cat say when he injured himself? Meow (me ow).
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1 point

What do you call a botched abortion?


MicroZech(27) Disputed
0 points

What do you call an Instig8or who is making a joke about abortions?


-2 points

Whenever. cartman. tries to debate: Now that's a joke!!

1 point

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the idior's house.

1 point

Knock, knock.

1 point


1 point

Sooooo a rabbit says to a monkey "how's it hanging" and the monkey says to the rabbit, it doesn't. Then the rabbit says "Oh."

What happens when people who call themselves prolife still vote for Democrats? Just another day in the life of phonies.

0 points

A man is about to jump off of the empire state building. A physicists watching events unfold from below yells up at him; "Don't do it you have too much potential!!".

0 points

What happens when a giraffe gets a clown pregnant?
