
Debate Info

Kids should be respected. Kids should not be respected.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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 Kids should be respected. (3)

Debate Creator

misfitz3(34) pic


Ok. So I have heard a lot of adults saying that children don't deserve to be respected, beacause they are young..
What is your opinion?

Kids should be respected.

Side Score: 4

Kids should not be respected.

Side Score: 0

What the parents are basically saying that any newborn should die. They should be respected because they are people of the future. Imagine giving a baby away to another uneducated person and the baby would have made the new type of transportation called the hoverboard. Now imagine KEEPING the damn baby and will make the hoverboard immediately.

Side: Kids should be respected.
TheCapConKid(293) Clarified
2 points

We have already made the hover board. But they are not on retail sale.

Side: Kids should be respected.
2 points

You really captured the essence of what was wrong with his argument. Thumbs up!

Side: Kids should be respected.
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