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Debate Score:5
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CristalCamp1(18) pic

Killing Wild Animals

If a wild animal in a zoo or a wildlife rescue or santuary kills a worker, should the animal be put down? Some might say that a wild animal shouldn't be put down only because that's in their nature but some might say that they have to be put down because they took a life of a person.


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I don't really have an opinion about the wildlife thing.

But to the zoo thing, No, absolutely not. If human have decided to take wild animals with a natural instinct to kill, put them in tiny rooms and let people watch them, they are pretty much asking to get eaten by a tiger. So bon appetite.

Side: no
1 point

I think this kind of thing depends on the situation. If some person improperly handles the animal or mistreats it and it kills them then it is their fault. But if it just randomly attacks then it can be put down.

Side: no
1 point

What's the reason for putting the animal down? It it punishment? The animal doesn't know any better and it simply abiding by its natural instincts. Is it for safety concerns? That's a poor excuse for putting the animal down. When wild animals attack in these "controlled" situations, it's more often than not the human whose done something stupid to put themselves at risk.

Side: no

Anyone that thinks they should be put down is either an elitist for humankind or needs to teach me something.

An animal is a wild creature, they kill to live, or when provoked anyone working with those killers should be readily aware of the dangers, and should also be made to sign a waiver that says if the animals attacks that the animal can't be killed to get them free.

Animals' lives are equally important as human's lives, and if one does kill a human that's just a casualty of nature.

Side: no